
CPP class to read CMD arguments.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Library to operate CMD arguments. Used C++ 20 std.

Classes definition

namespace hhullen {

class CMDArgs {
  void AddArguments(const std::initializer_list<Argument>& args);
  void AddFlags(const std::initializer_list<Flag>& flags);
  std::string GetArgument(const std::string& name);
  std::list<std::string> GetFlagValues(const std::string& name);
  void Read(int argc, const char* argv[]);

namespace hhullen {

class Argument {
  enum class Type { Int, UInt, Float, String, Path };
  Argument(const std::string &name, Argument::Type type, const std::string &help);

namespace hhullen {

class Flag {
  Flag(const Str& long_name, const char short_name, const Str& help,
       const std::initializer_list<Argument>& args);



This is the one-header library, so *.h files all are needed. Try make lib command from src directory. It will create cmd_args directory with necessary files. This is the directory to be copied to your project.


  • Once the cmd_args directory copied to project, include header file cmd_args.h.
  • Create the structure of expected command line arguments. For example the next command line arguments expected:
./program SLE recursive --file ../some/file.txt -n 3 2.718 --bool

So the next structure has to be written:

#include "cmd_args/cmd_args.h"

using hhullen::Argument;
using hhullen::CMDArgs;
using hhullen::Flag;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
  // create some positional arguments:
  Argument alorithm("algorithm", Argument::Type::String, "algorithm name");
  Argument mode("mode", Argument::Type::String, "mode name");

  // create argument
  Argument path("path_to_file", Argument::Type::Path, "path to file");
  // create flag and include created argument as its value
  Flag file_flag("file", 'f', "path_to_file", {path});

  // create arguments for another flag
  Argument repeats("repeats", Argument::Type::Int, "repeats of smt");
  Argument number("number", Argument::Type::Float, "number of smt");
  // create flag and include both as its value
  Flag num_flag("num", 'n', "amount of smt", {repeats, number});

  // create flag with no necessary values
  Flag bool_flag("bool", 'b', "true/false", {});

  // create CMDArgs object
  CMDArgs cmd;
  // add arguments
  cmd.AddArguments({alorithm, mode});
  // add flags
  cmd.AddFlags({file_flag, num_flag, bool_flag});
  // read (parse) command line
  cmd.Read(argc, argv);


  return 0;
  • Get parsed arguments/flags when it is needed:
  std::string algoithm_name = cmd.GetArgument("algorithm");
  std::string mode_name = cmd.GetArgument("mode");

  std::list<std::string> values = cmd.GetFlagValues("-f");
  std::list<std::string> values = cmd.GetFlagValues("--num");
  std::list<std::string> values = cmd.GetFlagValues("--bool");


  • The exception std::invalid_argument will be thrown:
    • two or more arguments or flags with similar names are set
    • any argument or flag is tried to get but was not specified in command line
    • any unexpected argument specified in command line
    • any command line argument has incorrect type
  • arguments and their order is required
  • flags is optional, so any flag may be missing
  • flag with no required values return string 'true' (as bool flag at the example above)
  • no matter where flag will be set in command. For example:
./program -b SLE --num 1 0.359 recursive
  • "help" methods arguments can be empty string now as it have not been implemented yet

Make targets

  • make lib - create cmd_args directory with necessary files
  • make check - run cppcheck and linter for whole library code
  • make tests - run tests
  • make gcov_report - create tests coverage report in report dirctory
  • make clean - all files could be created by any targets
  • make all - run targets in order: clean gcov_report tests check