
Simple matrix operations library

Primary LanguageC

Matrix - simple matrix operations library in C language

Matrix structure:

typedef enum {
} matrix_type_t;

typedef struct matrix_struct {
    double** matrix;
    int rows;
    int columns;
    matrix_type_t matrix_type;
} matrix_t;

The matrix_type field defines the matrix type, CORRECT_MATRIX - the correct matrix, INCORRECT_MATRIX - in case of errors in actions with matrices, IDENTITY_MATRIX - a identity matrix, ZERO_MATRIX - a null matrix. The filling of the matrix in the case of the INCORRECT_MATRIX type is not defined.

Matrix operations

  1. matrix_t create_matrix(int rows, int columns); Creates matrix with "rows" rows and "columns" columns which both larger than 0. In case of error returns matrix_t type struct with NULL pointer and matrix_type field as INCORRECT_MATRIX.

  2. void remove_matrix(matrix_t *a); Removes matrix. matrix_t.matrix will be freed and other fields become equals to zero.

  3. int eq_matrix(matrix_t *a, matrix_t *b); Compares matrices and returns values defined at the library as SUCCESS or FAILURE.

  4. matrix_t sum_matrix(matrix_t *a, matrix_t *b); Summs matrices and returns new one matrix_t example.

  5. matrix_t sub_matrix(matrix_t *a, matrix_t *b); Substracts matrices and returns new one matrix_t example.

  6. matrix_t mult_number(matrix_t *a, double number); Multiplies every matrix element by "number" value.

  7. matrix_t mult_matrix(matrix_t *a, matrix_t *b); Multiplies two matrices with sizes mk and km.

  8. matrix_t transpose(matrix_t *a); Transposes matrix and returns new one matrix_t example.

  9. matrix_t calc_complements(matrix_t *a); Calculates algebraic additions matrix of matrix "a" and returns new one matrix_t example.

  10. double determinant(matrix_t *a); Calculates determinant of matrix "a" and returns new one matrix_t example. Determinant calculated by Gauss methos, so it can be usefull and pretty fast to large matrices.

  11. matrix_t inverse_matrix(matrix_t *a); Calculates inverse matrix of matrix "a" and returns new one matrix_t example.

Verifiable accuracy of the fractional part is up to 7 decimal places. The library developed in C language of C11 standard using gcc compiler. Static library will be compilled by make matrix.a command of Makefile executed in src folder.