
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



In this project implemented some basic algorithms on graphs.

Command line interface

  • Run make nav_cli command from src directory.
  • Executable file nav will be built to build directory of project root
  • CLI synopsys (from build directory): ./nav [-f] [path/to/graph/file] [any option]. The next options implemented for the CLI:
    • [-m] [algorithm] sets one of next algorithms:
      1. DFS - non-recursive depth-first search in the graph from a given vertex. It needs additional start vertex specified as [-s] [3] where 3 is vertex number.
      2. BFS - breadth-first search in the graph from a given vertex. It needs additional start vertex specified as [-s] [3].
      3. SPBV - searching for the shortest path between two vertices in a graph using Dijkstra's algorithm. It needs additional start and end vertexes specified as [-s] [3] [-e] [4].
      4. SPBA - searching for the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a graph using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
      5. LST - searching for the least spanning tree in a graph using Prim's algorithm.
      6. TSP - solving the traveling salesman's problem using the ant colony algorithm.
    • [-o] [path/to/file.dot] export graph to dot format file.
  • Graph file format must be like:
0   29  20  21  16  31  100 12  4   31  18
29  0   15  29  28  40  72  21  29  41  12
20  15  0   15  14  25  81  9   23  27  13
21  29  15  0   4   12  92  12  25  13  25
16  28  14  4   0   16  94  9   20  16  22
31  40  25  12  16  0   95  24  36  3   37
100 72  81  92  94  95  0   90  101 99  84
12  21  9   12  9   24  90  0   15  25  13
4   29  23  25  20  36  101 15  0   35  18
31  41  27  13  16  3   99  25  35  0   38
18  12  13  25  22  37  84  13  18  38  0

Here, the first number 11 equals to rows and cols of the matrix - is amount of graph vertexes, and each number of matrix on i row and j col is edge length value on the way from i to j vertex.