
Snake game with turtle library.

Primary LanguagePython

Snake Game

This code is a Python implementation of the classic Snake game using the Turtle graphics library. Here's an overview of the code:


  1. Imports:

    • turtle: Used for creating graphics and handling user input.
    • time: Used for introducing delays in the game loop.
    • random: Used for generating random positions and properties.
    • winsound: Used for playing a sound when certain events occur.
  2. Setting up the screen:

    • The code creates a Turtle graphics screen with a specified size and background color.
    • The Snake game window has a title, background image ("background.png"), and a size of 600x600 pixels.
  3. Snake Initialization:

    • A turtle named snake is created to represent the snake in the game.
    • The snake starts as a red square at coordinates (0, 100).
    • The snake's properties such as color, speed, and shape are set.
  4. Score Display:

    • The code initializes a turtle named score_table to display the current score and high score.
    • The initial score and high score are set to 0.
  5. Food Initialization:

    • A turtle named food is created to represent the food in the game.
    • The food has random colors and shapes (square, triangle, or circle).
    • The initial position of the food is set to (0, 0).
  6. Snake Body:

    • A list named body is used to keep track of the snake's body parts.
    • The add_body function creates a new turtle and appends it to the body list.
  7. Functions for Movement:

    • Functions (go_up, go_down, go_left, go_right) change the direction of the snake.
    • The move function updates the snake's position based on its direction.
  8. Speed Control:

    • The snake's speed can be increased or decreased using the speed_up and speed_down functions.
    • The spacebar ('space') is used to activate the speed boost.
  9. Input Handling:

    • Arrow keys and spacebar are used for controlling the snake and adjusting its speed.
  10. Game Loop:

    • The main game loop (while True) continually updates the game state.
    • It checks for collisions with the screen boundaries and handles the game over scenario.
    • If the snake eats the food, it updates the score, creates a new food, and adjusts the snake's speed.
  11. Sound Effects:

    • The winsound library is used to play a sound when the snake collides with the screen boundaries or eats the food.
  12. Body Movement:

    • The code handles the movement of the snake's body when it grows longer.
  13. Time Delay:

    • The time.sleep(speed) statement controls the speed of the game loop, introducing a delay based on the snake's speed.

Note: The code uses the Windows-specific winsound library for sound effects, so it might not work on non-Windows systems without modification. Additionally, the code has a perpetual game loop (while True) which typically should be part of a more controlled game loop, especially in graphical user interface (GUI) applications.