- 1
indentation not working if filetype=hack
#51 opened by blurrcat - 2
.hack Files No Supported Syntax
#48 opened by mike2151 - 3
Type errors in other files
#45 opened by jbyman - 0
- 1
Don't try to run hh_client for unwatched files
#1 opened by mxw - 1
Add b:hack#enable which defaults to g:hack#enable
#2 opened by mxw - 1
Window pops up breifly
#10 opened by ptarjan - 3
Remote typechecking
#16 opened by girvo - 1
I don't seem to get the omnifunc to work
#20 opened by spidfire - 0
Migrate to use the LSP
#40 opened by fredemmott - 0
problem with installation README
#18 opened by aftabnaveed - 0
- 0
Completion works only at the end of line
#34 opened by usox - 0
- 3
Prevent syntax coloring if not hack file
#19 opened by Taluu - 0
vim-hack needs new PATENTS file
#24 opened by jazzdan - 1
Unbound name: ReflectionClass
#11 opened by aewing - 1
Run on OS X?
#8 opened by girvo - 2
Error at startup
#5 opened by elclanrs - 0
Highlight type and newtype
#6 opened by mxw - 1