
Unity cross-platform Toast UI package

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Toast UI for your Game messages

A powerful,Customizable, and esay-to-use Toast UI for Unity

Toast ui

■ Supporting Platforms :

  • All platforms (Standalone Builds, Android, iOS, WebGl, and more..)

■ How to use? :

1- Import EasyUI_Toast package.

⚠️ NOTE! : No need to add any prefab to the scene

3- Add EasyUI.Toast namespace in your script :

using EasyUI.Toast ;

4- Now Simply write Toast.Show():

// Simple :
Toast.Show ("Hello Devs") ;

// With duration :
Toast.Show ("Hello Devs", 3f) ;

■ Change colors :

// Built-in Colors  ( Black, Red, Purple, Magenta, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange ) :
Toast.Show ("Hello Devs", 3f, ToastColor.Green) ;

// Custom Colors :
Toast.Show ("Hello Devs", 4f, new Color (1f, .4f, 0f)) ;
// or Toast.Show ("Hello Devs", 4f, Color.blue);

■ Change position :

// Positions ( TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleCenter, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight ) :
Toast.Show ("Top-Center Toast", 3f, ToastPosition.TopCenter) ;

■ Change text styling :

Toast.Show ("Hello, <color=yellow>This is a yellow text</color>", 3f);

Toast ui

for more supported style tags : Text supported styles

■ Dismiss (hide) toast :


■ Other Show(..) versions :

Toast.Show (string text);

Toast.Show (string text, float duration);

Toast.Show (string text, float duration, ToastPosition position);

Toast.Show (string text, ToastColor color);

Toast.Show (string text, ToastColor color, ToastPosition position);

Toast.Show (string text, Color color);

Toast.Show (string text, Color color, ToastPosition position);

Toast.Show (string text, float duration, ToastColor color);

Toast.Show (string text, float duration, ToastColor color, ToastPosition position);

Toast.Show (string text, float duration, Color color);

Toast.Show (string text, float duration, Color color, ToastPosition position);

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