
Web library for Cuis

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT


This fork is based on

  • WebClient-Core.pck.st from WebClient-Core-ar.92.mcz
  • WebClient-Tests.pck.st from WebClient-Tests-ar.46.mcz
  • WebClient-HTTP.pck.st from WebClient-HTTP-ar.1.mcz (as of 2nd Jan 2012 not in Cuis)

from: www.squeaksource.com

See class comments for porting notes.

Tested code snippets

These snippets are adapted from the documentation contained in WebClient-Help-ar.10.mcz

(WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.arduinosoftware.com') content.

WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.arduinosoftware.com/'.

| url client request data |
data := 'Hello Squeak'. "POST data"
url := 'http://www.squeak.org/'. "POST url"
client := WebClient new initializeFromUrl: url. "sets host etc"
request := client requestWithUrl: url. "sets path etc"
request method: 'POST'. "sets method"
request headerAt: 'Content-Length' put: data size.
request headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: 'text/plain'.
"... any other headers required ..."
^client sendRequest: request
content: data readStream
size: data size.

| resp |
resp := WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.squeak.org/'.
resp isSuccess ifFalse:[^self error: resp status].
"Process the content from the response"
^resp content

| client resp file |
client := WebClient new.
[resp := client httpGet: 'http://www.squeak.org/'.
resp isSuccess ifFalse:[^self error: resp status].
"Stream the content from the response"
file := FileStream newFileNamed: 'page.html'.
resp streamTo: file
size: resp contentLength
progress:[:total :amount].
file close] ensure:[client close].

Installation Notes:

Clone in your computer:


and the repo of WebClient (Mine: https://github.com/garduino/Cuis-WebClient or from David Graham when get integrated: https://github.com/davidgraham/Cuis-WebClient).

You need to have the repositories 'Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks' and 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer' available as sibling directories of 'Cuis-WebClient'. Then to install execute:

| slash  |

slash := FileDirectory slash.
'..', slash, 'Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks', slash, 'Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-Network-MIME.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-Network-UUID.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-NetworkTests-UUID.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-Network-Protocols.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-Network-Url.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-Network-RFC822.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-Settings-Network.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-NetworkTests-Protocols.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash, 'Cuis-NetworkTests-RFC822.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-WebClient', slash, 'WebClient-Core.pck.st' .
'..', slash, 'Cuis-WebClient', slash, 'WebClient-Tests.pck.st' .
[ :fileName | CodePackageFile installPackageStream:
               (FileStream concreteStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName)

CAUTION: Most of these packages are work in progress by Germán Arduino (https://github.com/garduino/Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer). He is adapting them as the need for more features arises.

###Porting Notes

Installation protocol on the Transcript

WebRequest>>send200Response: (UTF8TextConverter is Undeclared) 
WebRequest>>send404Response: (UTF8TextConverter is Undeclared) 
WebUtils class>>sha1Hash: (SecureHashAlgorithm is Undeclared) 
WebUtils class>>webSocketHash07: (SecureHashAlgorithm is Undeclared) 
Package WebClient-Core successfully installed
Undeclared: a Dictionary(#ExternalSettings->nil #GIFReadWriter->nil #JPEGReadWriter->nil #Latin1TextConverter->nil #MailMessage->nil     #MailSender->nil #Project->nil #SecureHashAlgorithm->nil #ServerDirectory->nil #SqNumberParser->nil #StringHolder->nil #UTF8TextConverter->nil )

Package WebClient-Tests successfully installed
Undeclared: a Dictionary(#ExternalSettings->nil #GIFReadWriter->nil #JPEGReadWriter->nil #Latin1TextConverter->nil #MailMessage->nil #MailSender->nil #Project->nil #SecureHashAlgorithm->nil #ServerDirectory->nil #SqNumberParser->nil #StringHolder->nil #UTF8TextConverter->nil )


Problems with Unicode http://jvuletich.org/pipermail/cuis_jvuletich.org/2013-February/000772.html

WebRequest >>send200Response:
WebRequest >>send400Response
WebRequest >>send404Response:
WebRequest >>send500Response:


This repository is archived because WebClient is now part of the packages in the main Cuis repository.