
Experimental docker images (DockerFile) for Hyperledger Fabric + Blockchain Explorer Quick start

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Experimental docker images (DockerFile) for Hyperledger Fabric + Blockchain Explorer Quick start.

This Dockerfile creates Ubuntu64 18.04LTS (bionic) docker container pre-bundled with Docker within, Blockchain Explorer and other dependent packages required to run Hyperledger Fabric v1.2 release (curr: 1.2.1) and Blochchain Explorer (curr: 3.7).

The base OS container is https://hub.docker.com/r/hi5san/fabric-quickstart/.


Retrieve pre-built docker image from Dockerhub

There is a pre-built image on dockerhub.

docker pull hi5san/fabric-quickstart-explorer

Or, you could build locally.

Building Docker images locally

  • Clone Dockerfile.
    git clone git@github.ibm.com:fabric-book/fabric-quickstart-explorer.git
  • Build docker images and tag it as "fabric-quickstart-explorer".
    docker build fabric-quickstart-explorer -t fabric-quickstart-explorer

Note: The pulls/builds of images will take several minutes and approx. 1GB in storage.

Run docker container and install Fabric network

  • Run container

If pulled from remote:

docker run --name fabric-book --privileged -it -p 8080:8080 hi5san/fabric-quickstart-explorer

or if built locally:

docker run --name fabric-book --privileged -it -p 8080:8080 fabric-quickstart-explorer  

Note, the port mappings (8080) are for Explorer.

Start byfn and connect with Explorer

$ ./runExplorer.sh

Connect to http://localhost:8080/.

Stopping Explorer and byfn

If simply quiting, skip to "Quiting" below.

$ cd blockchain-explorer
$ ./stop.sh
$ cd ~/fabric-samples/first-network
$ ./byfn.sh down


Simply logout from container, then destroy stuff.

Look for the container using docker ps -a and call docker rm {container-Id}.

Remove your docker images if you want: docker rmi IMAGE-ID.

Finally, be sure to call docker system prune and docker volume prune to clean-up stale files.