
Project used to centralize dotfiles and configuration for any operating system.

Primary LanguageVim Script

⚙️ Configurations


  • Requirements
    • Install some NerdFont(ex: MesloLG Nerd Font)
    • Ripgrep
    • Build essentials on linux(sudo apt install build-essential)
  • Install neovim >= 0.9.* (from source)
    • Ensure that .local/share/nvim and .cache/nvim does not exist
    • Download tarball file
    • Extract tar xvzf <tarball-file>
    • Move extracted file to /usr/local/bin
    • Create symbolic link ln -s ./<extracted-file>/bin/nvim ./nvim
    • Install Packer(Plugin Manager to neovim)
    • Copy base files to .config/nvim/
    • Command to install dependencies: PackerSync
    • Install language server
    • :Mason(use 'i' to install)


  • Requirements
    • Python3.x and Pip (latest)
    • Pynvim library
    • NodeJS (latest)
    • Install some NerdFont(ex: MesloLG Nerd Font)
  • Install vim based on SO
    • This may ask to install Vim Plugin Manager
  • Copy base file to %HOME%
  • Command to install dependencies: :PlugInstall

@GoLand & @IntelliJ

  • Darcula or Gruvbox Dark theme
  • Font Hack

@Visual Studio Code

  • Dark+ (default dark) or Gruvbox Dark theme
