
A diary workflow for shell users

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

RETTER - A diary workflow for shell users. Build Status


  • Ruby-1.9.1 or later
  • $EDITOR variable
  • $BROWSER variable

Quick Start

  $ gem install retter
  $ retter new my-diary       # Create a new site named `my-sweet-diary'.
  $ cd my-diary
  $ retter edit               # Write a first article w/ $EDITOR.
  $ retter preview            # Open an article you write w/ $BROWSER.
  $ retter build              # Generate static html files on publish branch (default: master).
  $ git remote add origin git@github.com:USERNAME/USERNAME.github.io.git
  $ git push origin master    # Publish static html files on GitHub pages.

List, edit and preview

retter list lists all articles.

  $ retter list
  [e0] 2014-01-11
    First article
    Second article
  [e1] 2014-01-13
    Third article

retter edit [KEYWORD] opens a source with $EDITOR.

  $ retter edit e1         # Editing source on 2014-01-13.
  $ retter edit 2014-01-11 # Editing source on 2014-01-11.
  $ retter edit            # Editing source on Date.today.

Edit and preview (with livereload)

To preview, run retter preview.

  $ retter edit # Edit and save
  $ retter preview # Invoke preview server and open last edited article with $BROWSER.

retter preview detects file updates automatically.

In other shell:

  $ retter edit # Edit and save
                # And $BROWSER will reload automatically.

$RETTER_ROOT variable

You can use all retter commands everywhere if you set $RETTER_ROOT variable. So, if $RETTER_ROOT is set, retter edit and cd $RETTER_ROOT && retter edit are same.

$RETTER_HOME variable is deprecated. Please use $RETTER_ROOT.

Configure with $RETTER_ROOT/Retterfile

Retterfile is the configuration file for your site.

Default configuration is below:

  configure api_revision: 1 do |config|
    # Website's root URL, title, description and author. URL is needed by feed generator.
    config.url         = 'http://retter.example.com/'
    config.title       = 'my-diary'
    config.description = 'my first diary'
    config.author      = 'hibariya'

    # Processing for `retter publish` command.
    config.publisher do
      # Uncomment it if you want to do `cd $RETTER_ROOT && git push origin master` via `retter publish`.
      # run 'git push origin master'


Hooks will be invoked after running commands.

  # Print `Well done :)` after running `retter edit`.
  config.after :edit do
    puts 'Well done :)'

  # Ask invoking `retter publish` after running `retter build`.
  config.after :build do
    invoke :publish if yes?('Publish now? [yes/no]')

Markdown structure

Following markdown file includes two articles.

# First article

Hi, first article.

# Second article

Hi, second article.

Header equal to h1 means start of an article. Like below:

+-- An Entry (A file) --+
|+-- An article -------+|
|| # First article     ||
||                     ||
|| Hi, first article.  ||
|+-- An article -------+|
|| # Second article    ||
||                     ||
|| Hi, second article. ||

Each article have its own URL.

Directory structure

    assets    # Asset files (stylesheets, javascripts, images and so on).
    retters   # Article markdown files.
    templates # Templates for static site.
  tmp         # Temporary files (caches, etc).

Extract source branch

You can move all files (except public files) to source branch.

Migration example is below:

  $ git checkout -b source
  $ git rm -r assets entries *.{html,rss} # Removing public files from source branch
  $ git commit -m 'Remove all public files'

  $ git checkout master
  $ git rm -r Retterfile source           # Removing source files from master branch
  $ git commit -m 'Remove all source files'

Install DISQUS (Comment service)


  1. Create DISQUS Account
  2. Add new site for retter


First, Add your disqus_shortname to Retterfile.

in Retterfile

config.disqus_shortname = 'your_disqus_shortname'

Second, Edit templete and inject = render_disqus_comment_form.

in source/templates/entries/articles/show.html.haml

-# snip
#comments= render_disqus_comment_form
-# snip

Migrate from Retter-0.2.5 or earlier

They're incompatible with retter-1.0.0. Please migrate via retter migrate, or create new site.

Migrate command

retter migrate attempts to migrate to new version.

  $ retter migrate
  $ git add -A
  $ git add -u
  $ git commit -m 'Migrated'
  $ retter build

You probably get many warnings, and migration command can't fix it. Anyway, at least, it will be compatible.

Migrate only articles (RECOMMENDED)

If you can't migrate with retter migrate, you may want to migrate only articles. Like below.

  $ cd $RETTER_ROOT/../
  $ mv [site-name] old-[site-name]
  $ retter new [site-name]
  $ mv old-[site-name]/retters/* [site-name]/source/retters/
  $ # migrate git repository, and so on...


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/hibariya/retter/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request