
Primary LanguageArduino


Formally HikiBot


No longer maintain


This is part of EGCI405 Mechatronics class. The repository contains an Arduino sketch namely AutomateRobot.ino.
Inside processing directory, there is a source code namely processing.pde for processing which performs image processing.


This file contains basic instructions for controlling the robot including line tracking and movements.
For example, move forward, backward, turn left/right.


This file contains image processing codes and some robot control through serial communication. There is a part that implement simple state machine. However, it is not completed.

User manual


Here are the keys registered with processing program.

Keys for controlling thresholding for colors

  • ] : increase upper threshold value
  • [ : decrease upper threshold value
  • p : increase lower threshold value
  • o : decrease lower threshold value

Key for switching between the 2 colors
There are 2 colors that the program can detects.
Color1 uses hue with thresholding for detecting yellow ball.
Color2 use grayscale for detecting white ball.

  • c : toggle between color1 and color2

Direct command mode
In direct command mode, any key pressed will be sent to Arduino directly without interpretion

  • q : enable/disable direct command mode

Sending command enabler
When first launched, processing doesn't send command right away.
To send the command to the robot, one has to enable sending command flag.

  • s : enable/disable command flag

Switching between states
The application keep looping in states defined. However, this functionality is not finished.
Manual switching between some states is requied.

  • . : go to next state (from current state)
  • , : go to previous state (from current state)


Codes in arduino is pretty straightforward and is commented throughoutly.