
This project is part of Music Application Class . The awesome class ever !!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Music Visualizer

The Music Visualizer is based on Python with Qt and sonic-annotator #####Requirement

  • Python 2.7 or 3.4
  • PyQt4 and pyqtgraph
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • [sonic-annotator] with [pyin] plugin


  • can read WAV file and export the html and js to visualize the music

#####How to use

  • press "Load Music" to load the .wav file to the program, then the program will display the graph
  • if the graph is too complex, you can choose the degree of gaussian smoothen of your choice
  • one you are pleasured, please press the "Export" button
  • please go into www-source and open index.html for the visualizer
  • you can adjust the scale of ball in app.js in the CUSTOMIZE suction
var amp_scale_factor = 50; //adjust for your pleasure

thank you for https://github.com/MTG/sms-tools [pyin]:http://vamp-plugins.org/download.html?platform=linux64&search=pyin&go=Go [sonic-annotator]:https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/projects/sonic-annotator/files