
with Seonah, Seleen, bhul_.

CLRS Study

w/ Seonah, Seleen, _bhul.

So far...

File Type

  • Lesson ***: Where you learn new thing.
  • Problem ***: Practice problem. Because of the copyright issue, only translations of the problem, as well as the OJ site is available.
  • Solution ***: Solution of the practice problem.

List of Contents

  • Week 1: C++ Basic (Part 1)
    • Lesson
      • Basic Template: Starting with some template, such as int main().
      • Data Type: Different Data Types for different values.
      • Input and Output: Inputting and Outputting values.
      • Operators: Operations that can be used on values.
    • Problem
      • [Easy] /<2557> Hello World
      • [Normal] /<1008> A/B
      • [Normal] /<10869> 사칙연산
      • [Hard]: /<10171> 고양이
      • [Hard]: /<2588> 곱셈
  • Week 2: C++ Basic (Part 2)
    • Lesson
      • Conditional: To execute the statement, only sometimes.
      • Loop: To run the same code multiple times.
    • Problem
      • [Appendix] /<15552> 빠른 A+B
      • [Easy] /<1330> 두 수 비교하기
      • [Easy] /<2741> N 찍기
      • [Normal] /<2739> 구구단
      • [Normal] /<2753> 윤년
      • [Hard] /<2525> 오븐 시계
      • [Hard] /<25304> 영수증
  • Week 3: C++ Basics (Part 3)
    • Lesson
      • Array: For saving multiple values.
      • std::vector: C++ STL's implementation of array, with dynamic length.
    • Problem
      • [Easy] /<2562> 최댓값
      • [Easy] /<10798> 세로읽기
      • [Normal] /<26145> 출제비 재분배
      • **[Normal] **/<10813> 공 바꾸기
      • [Hard] /<5597> 과제 안 내신 분..?
      • [Hard] /<3052> 나머지
      • [Expert] /<24993> KIARA is a Recursive Acronym
  • Appendix: For small stuff that doesn't need a full page.
    • Notations for the Problems
    • Code, Input, Output format used in this repository.
    • Intervals: $[a, b]$, $[a, b)$, $(a, b]$, $(a, b)$.
    • Scientific Notation: $a \cdot 10^b$.
    • Comments: // ..., /* ... */
    • FastIO
    • Undefined Behavior