
The goal of this project is to implement an application called order-app to manage orders. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called order-api and a font-end ReactJS application called order-ui. Besides, we will use JWT Authentication to secure both applications.

Primary LanguageJava


The goal of this project is to implement an application called order-app to manage orders. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called order-api and a font-end ReactJS application called order-ui. Besides, we will use JWT Authentication to secure both applications.

Project Diagram



  • order-api

    Spring Boot Web Java backend application that exposes a Rest API to create, retrieve and delete orders. If a user has ADMIN role he/she can also retrieve information of other users or delete them.

    The application secured endpoints can just be accessed if a valid JWT access token is provided.

    order-api stores its data in Postgres database.

    order-api has the following endpoints

    Endpoint Secured Roles
    POST /auth/authenticate -d {"username","password"} No
    POST /auth/signup -d {"username","password","name","email"} No
    GET /public/numberOfUsers No
    GET /public/numberOfOrders No
    GET /api/users/me Yes ADMIN, USER
    GET /api/users Yes ADMIN
    GET /api/users/{username} Yes ADMIN
    DELETE /api/users/{username} Yes ADMIN
    GET /api/orders [?text] Yes ADMIN
    POST /api/orders -d {"description"} Yes ADMIN, USER
    DELETE /api/orders/{id} Yes ADMIN
  • order-ui

    ReactJS frontend application where a user with role USER can create an order and retrieve a specific order. On the other hand, a user with role ADMIN as access to all secured endpoints.

    In order to access the application, a user or admin must login using his/her username and password. All the requests coming from order-ui to secured endpoints in order-api have the JWT access token. This token is generated when the user or admin logins.

    order-ui uses Semantic UI React as CSS-styled framework.


Start Environment

  • In a terminal, make sure you are inside springboot-react-jwt-token root folder

  • Run the following command to start docker-compose containers

    docker-compose up -d

Running order-app using Maven & Npm

  • order-api

    • Open a terminal and navigate to springboot-react-jwt-token/order-api folder

    • Run the following Maven command to start the application

      ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
  • order-ui

    • Open another terminal and navigate to springboot-react-jwt-token/order-ui folder

    • Run the command below if you are running the application for the first time

      npm install
    • Run the npm command below to start the application

      npm start

Applications URLs

Application URL Credentials
order-api http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
order-ui http://localhost:3000 admin/admin, user/user or signing up a new user

Note: the credentials shown in the table are the ones already pre-defined. You can signup new users


  • The gif below shows a user loging in


  • The gif below shows an admin loging in


Testing order-api Endpoints

  • Manual Endpoints Test using Swagger

    • Open a browser and access http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. All endpoints with the lock sign are secured. In order to access them, you need a valid JWT access token.

    • Click POST /auth/authenticate and then, click Try it out button

    • Provide the user credentials username and password

      { "password": "user", "username": "user" }
    • Click Execute button. It should return something like

      Code: 200
      { "accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9..." }

      Note 1: You can use the admin credentials to access more secured endpoints

      Note 2: The token will expire in 10 minutes

    • Copy the accessToken value (without the double quotes)

    • Click the Authorize button at the top of the page

    • In Value input field, paste the copied token

    • Click Authorize button and then, click Close button

    • To create an order, click POST /api/orders and then, click Try it out button

    • Provide the description of the order

      { "description": "Buy two iPhones" }
    • Click Execute button. It should return something like

      Code: 200
        "id": "718c9f40-5c06-4571-bc3e-3f888c52eff2",
        "description": "Buy two iPhones",
        "user": { "username": "user" },
        "createdAt": "..."
  • Manual Endpoints Test using curl

    • Open a terminal

    • Call GET /public/numberOfUsers

      curl -i localhost:8080/public/numberOfUsers

      It should return

      HTTP/1.1 200
    • Call GET /api/orders without JWT access token

      curl -i localhost:8080/api/orders

      As for this endpoint a valid JWT access token is required, it should return

      HTTP/1.1 401
    • Call POST /auth/authenticate to get admin JWT access token

      ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN="$(curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/auth/authenticate \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}' | jq -r .accessToken)"
    • Call again GET /api/orders, now with admin JWT access token

      curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" localhost:8080/api/orders

      It should return an empty array or an array with orders

      HTTP/1.1 200
      [ ... ]
    • Call GET /api/users/me to get more information about the admin

      curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN" localhost:8080/api/users/me

      It should return

      HTTP/1.1 200
        "id": 1, "username": "admin", "name": "Admin", "email": "admin@mycompany.com", "role": "ADMIN",
        "orders": []
  • Automatic Endpoints Test

    • Open a terminal and make sure you are in springboot-react-jwt-token root folder

    • Run the following script


      It should return something like the output below, where it shows the http code for different requests

      POST auth/authenticate
      admin access token
      user access token
      POST auth/signup
      user2 access token
                      Endpoints | without token |  user token |  admin token |
      ------------------------- + ------------- + ----------- + ------------ |
       GET public/numberOfUsers |           200 |         200 |          200 |
      GET public/numberOfOrders |           200 |         200 |          200 |
      ......................... + ............. + ........... + ............ |
              GET /api/users/me |           401 |         200 |          200 |
                 GET /api/users |           401 |         403 |          200 |
           GET /api/users/user2 |           401 |         403 |          200 |
        DELETE /api/users/user2 |           401 |         403 |          200 |
      ......................... + ............. + ........... + ............ |
                GET /api/orders |           401 |         403 |          200 |
               POST /api/orders |           401 |         201 |          201 |
        DELETE /api/orders/{id} |           401 |         403 |          200 |
       [200] Success -  [201] Created -  [401] Unauthorized -  [403] Forbidden

Util Commands

  • Postgres

    docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres -d moviedb
  • jwt.io

    With jwt.io you can inform the JWT token and the online tool decodes the token, showing its header and payload.


  • To stop order-api and order-ui, go to the terminals where they are running and press Ctrl+C

  • To stop and remove docker-compose containers, network and volumes, go to a terminal and, inside springboot-react-jwt-token root folder, run the command below

    docker-compose down -v

How to upgrade order-ui dependencies to latest version

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in springboot-react-jwt-token/order-ui folder

  • Run the following commands

    npm upgrade
    npm i -g npm-check-updates
    ncu -u
    npm install
