
A simple CLI tool to merge pdf files

Primary LanguagePython


A dead simple script that merges a set of your PDF documents into one. Based on https://pypdf.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html


This project may easily be setup using any of the available python methods, e.g.:

  • global python and pip
  • venv and pip
  • poetry

The following explanation is for the setup with poetry only:

  • Install poetry globally.
  • Make sure that your system has python >=3.9. If no install it, e.g. using pyenv or manually.
  • Clone this repo with git clone https://github.com/hidal00p/fuse.git.
  • Navigate to the cloned directory cd fuse.
  • Tell poetry to create an environment based on python version >=3.9 with poetry env use <path to the desired python executable>.
  • Install dependencies poetry install.


The program takes in files to be merged, and fuses them into an output file in the order provided:

poetry run python -m fuse.main --f 1.pdf 2.pdf ... n.pdf --o merged.pdf

To query for help run:

poetry run python -m fuse.main --help

HINT: To make this program available from anywhere in your system, add the following to your shell configuration file, e.g. .zshrc or .bashrc:

alias fusepdf=poetry run --directory <path to the cloned directory> python -m fuse.main

Happy fusing 📚