Welcome to the source code of BaseX.
To get the project running as smooth as possible, please consider the following notes:
JDK 1.6 and JUnit is currently required to compile the complete sources
of the main project. If you are using another environment than Eclipse
or don't have JUnit installed, just delete the test
packages inside
the project and rebuild the project.
Please take a look at the Maven documentation for information on how to use Maven.
You can launch the following classes, which are all placed in the basex-core directory and the org.basex
main package:
BaseX : console mode
BaseXServer : server instance, waiting for requests
BaseXClient : console mode, interacting with the server
BaseXGUI : graphical user interface
Moreover, try -h
to list the available command line options. For
example, you can use BaseX to process XQuery expressions without
entering the console.
BaseX is being developed with the Eclipse environment. Some style guidelines are integrated in the sources of BaseX; they are being embedded as soon as you open the project.
The following steps can be performed to start BaseX with Eclipse:
- Press
- Create a new
Java Application
launch configuration - Select
as Project - Choose a
Main class
(e.g., org.basex.BaseXGUI) - Launch the project via
Some additional Checkstyle guidelines are defined in the project:
- Open Eclipse
- Press
->Install new Software...
- Press
Search for new features to install
- Enter the URL:
- Follow the installation procedure and restart Eclipse
The code base of BaseX can be accessed via GitHub.
Any kind of feedback is welcome; please check out the documentation.
Tell us if you run into any troubles installing BaseX:
You are as well invited to contribute to our bug tracker.
All the best,
BaseX Team, 2015