
Allows storing to redis and write-through to store data to mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Allows storing to Redis/MongoDB or both if you choose! Our API quickly adds database support to your minecraft plugins. View our Spigot Page


Use the package manager Maven to add PlayerStorageAPI as a shaded dependency.




import com.hiddentech.playerstorage.PlayerStorageAPI;

public final class Example extends JavaPlugin {

    private PlayerStorageAPI playerStorageAPI;
    public void onEnable() {
        //Grab an instance of the PlayerStorageAPI
        this.playerStorageAPI = PlayerStorageAPI.getInstance(this);
        //Register values you would like to store
        playerStorageAPI.registerValue("bar","string default value");
    //This event fires when a players data is loaded when they join
    public void playerJoinEvent(PlayerDataLoad event){
        //Retrieve a stored value
        int value = playerStorageAPI.getInt(event.getplayer().getUniqueId(),"foo");
        //Update the stored value


Once your plugin has started it will create a second config file inside your plugins folder,

Redis_Connection: change this!
Redis_Port: 12345
Redis_Password: and this too!
Redis_Data_Expire_After: 86400
Storage_Configuration: both
Mongo_DB_Name: PlayerStorageAPI
Mongo_DB_ConnectionString: Change Me Too!

You need to change the connections aswell as the passwords. If you only need Redis functionality change

Storage_Configuration: both


Storage_Configuration: redis

or to use MongoDB

Storage_Configuration: mongo

If you would like to use Redis for caching and MongoDB for deep storage leave it set to both, and change the Expire Time to how long you would like data to stay cached for (in seconds).


Reach me for support/questions on discord at Hidden1nin#9457
