
Auto-generate UI form field definitions and associated validators from an Ethereum contract ABI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A convenience package that makes it easy to build UIs for interacting with Ethereum contracts.

  • Works with with any UI framework
  • Field sanitization and validation functions
  • Minimal dependencies

Example screenshot (from Meth):



yarn add ethereum-abi-ui


npm install --save ethereum-abi-ui

## Example usage

This is a very basic example to illustrate how you use the API, it only uses jQuery, does not utilize any front-end framework, and is not production-quality code.

import $ from 'jquery'

import {
} from 'ethereum-abi-ui'

const ABI = [ /* Solidity contract ABI definition */ ]
const form = $('method')
const output = $('outputs')

const fields = []

// render the input fields for the method params
if (canRenderMethodParams(ABI, 'approve')) {
  renderMethodParams(ABI, 'approve', (name, instance) => {
    switch (instance.fieldType()) {
      case FIELD_TYPES.NUMBER: {
        const input = $(`<input type="number" name="${name}" />`)
        input.instance = instance
        // ...
      // ...

form.submit(() => {
  const values = {}

  fields.forEach(input => {
    // sanitize entered value
    const val = input.instance.sanitize(input.val())

    // check that it's valid
    if (!input.instance.isValid(val)) {
      throw new Error('Please enter valid data')

    // add to final values to send
    values[input.getAttribute('name')] = val

  const results = doWeb3MethodCallUsingFormFieldValues(values)

  // now render the results
  if (canRenderMethodOutputs(ABI, 'approve')) {
    renderMethodOutputs(ABI, 'approve', results, (name, index, instance, result) => {
      output.append(`<p>${name}: ${result}</p>`)


canRenderMethodParams(abiJson, methodName): boolean

Get whether this library can render the input parameters for the given method of the given ABI.

renderMethodParams(abiJson, methodName, callback)

Render the input parameters for the given method of the given ABI.

The callback will be called for each input param with the following parameters:

  1. name - name of the parameter
  2. instance - an object instance representing the parameter type.

The instance object has the following methods:

  • fieldType() - returns one of the FIELD_TYPES (see below)
  • placeholderText() - suggested placeholder text to use for the input field representing this parameter
  • isValid() - function which tells you whether a given value is valid for this input parameter
  • sanitize() - function which can sanitize a given value entered for this parameter

canRenderMethodOutputs(abiJson, methodName): boolean

Get whether this library can render the output parameters for the given method of the given ABI.

renderMethodOutputs(abiJson, methodName, results, callback)

Render the output parameters for the given method of the given ABI.

The callback will be called for each output param with the following parameters:

  1. name - name of the parameter
  2. index - index of the output parameter in the list of outputs
  3. instance - an object instance representing the parameter type.
  4. result - the result obtained for this parameter (extracted from the results array passed in to the method)

The instance object has the following methods:

  • fieldType() - returns one of the FIELD_TYPES (see below)
  • placeholderText() - suggested placeholder text to use for the input field representing this parameter
  • isValid() - function which tells you whether a given value is valid for this input parameter
  • sanitize() - function which can sanitize a given value entered for this parameter


The supported form field types, at present: ADDRESS, TEXT, NUMBER, BOOL


The supported variable types, at present: address, string, uint, int, bool


  • Lint: yarn lint
  • Test: yarn test
  • Build: yarn build


All contributions welcome. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md
