
GitHub Action Marketplace GitHub Release

A GitHub action to download the latest MSIX packages from Microsoft Store and upload them to an existing GitHub release with corresponding tag.

For example, if the latest Microsoft Store package version is, it will upload MSIX packges to a GitHub release with one of the following tags:

  • 1.2.3
  • v1.2.3.0
  • v1.2.3

Quick Start

Add a YAML file to .github/workflows/upload-store-msix-to-release.yml :

name: Upload store MSIX to release

  contents: write

    types: [released]   # Run the action when a GitHub release is published

    - cron:  '0 */6 * * *'  # Run the action every 6 hours

  workflow_dispatch:    # Manually run the action

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Upload store MSIX to release
      uses: hiddify/Upload-Microsoft-Store-MSIX-Package-to-GitHub-Release@v1
        store-id: 9NF7JTB3B17P
        token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        asset-name-pattern: AppName_{version}_{arch}  # Optional

Action Inputs

  • store-id

    The ID of the Microsoft Store app you want to upload, e.g. 9NF7JTB3B17P.

    To get the app ID:

    • Open Microsoft Store and go to the app page.
    • Click the share button and select "copy link".
    • A url like will be copied to clipboard.
    • The last segment is the app ID.
  • token

    The GitHub token to use. Just set it to ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} for most cases.

    GitHub will automatically create a GITHUB_TOKEN secret when the action runs.

  • asset-name-pattern (Optional)

    The pattern of the uploaded GitHub release asset's name without file extension. Can contain {version} and {arch}.

    For example, for pattern AppName_{version}_{arch}, the uploaded asset's name can be AppName_1.2.3.0_x64.Msix.

    If you don't specify an asset-name-pattern, the default file name from Microsoft Store will be used. For example, 14463DeveloperName.AppName_1.2.3.0_x64__23j36sa9jtp8y.msix.

Why would you use it

If you publish apps to Microsoft Store and love open source, you may want to upload Microsoft Store-signed MSIX packages to GitHub release, like Ambie, NanaZip, and Energy Star X do.

Users can double click these packages to install them. No need to install certificates to Trusted Root Certification Authorities with admin privilege like for self-signed packages.

While the user experience is great, the developer experience is not. Every time you create a new release, you have to manually download the MSIX packages from Microsoft Store using and upload them to GitHub release.

So I created a GitHub action to automate this workflow.

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