- props and emit
- emit and their arguments
- v-show
- @click
- transition
- v-show
- @click
- https://animate.style/
- transition
- v-bind and v-on
- v-model, form, form validation, validation by computed
- v-for with filter by computed
- methods, add and delete item
- debounce
- throttle
- fetch
- watch + api
- lobal component
- global component
- props
- slot
- named slot, v-slot or #
- scoped slot, v-slot:default=""
- emit
- emit, two way binding, v-model and v-on and binding
- event bus
- https://jp.vuejs.org/v2/cookbook/client-side-storage.html
- Dev Tool->Application->Local Storage
- Show, Edit, Delete Local Storage value