
C++ 20 based audio framework

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Audio framework

This is intending to establish audio framework. The expection is to implement android audio hal, surround amplifier, mediaplayer, etc. with this framework.

  • C++20 based audio framework

    • Common

      • Use smart pointer std::make_shared<> to create instances e.g. std::shared_ptr<ISource> pSource = std::make_shared<Source>();
    • Pipe and filter

      • Source
        • This is input source. Pipe read data from the source.
        • Interface is ISoure
        • Concrete classes are derived from the ISource.
      • Sink
        • This is output destination. Pipe output to the Sink.
        • Interface is ISink
        • Concrete classes are derived from the ISink.
        • Use MultipleSink to split the Sink for actual multiple sinks(=output)
      • Pipe
        • Pipe is place to do signal processing for read data from Source and output the result to Sink.
          • Source --> Pipe --> Sink
        • Note that actual signal processing is done by attached filters to the pipe.
        • The interface is IPipe
        • Concrete classes are derived from the IPipe.
        • There are 2 types of pipe.
        • Pipe
          • Different window size filters are supported.
            • LCM window size processing by Pipe
            • Minimum window size processing by PipeMultiThread which is multi threads & FIFO buffer connected among them.
              • Same window size is running in same thread
              • But the different window size will create different pipe and interconnected by FiFO Buffers automatically
        • PipeMultiThread
          • Internally PipeMultiThread includes Pipe instances to execute Pipes concurrently.
          • Since Pipe is using window size as LCM manner, this internally create Pipe instances if required filter size is different for attached filter. Therefore using this class enables you to reduce total latency by concurrent execution with minimized window size.
          • Note that the Pipe and the Pipe are connected by InterPipeBridge which is FifoBuffer which is working as ISink and ISource.
      • Filter
        • In the Pipe, attached filteres will do signal processing.
        • The instance is attachable to IPipe
        • Pipe::clearFilters() will detach the attached instances.
        • Special filter: Accoustic Echo Cancel Filter
          • This filter read Source(e.g. Mic) and Sink (e.g. Speaker) to cancel the accoustic echo.
          • Note that the implementation is quite tiny. You need to replace high quality implementation. See the .cpp, you need to define the macro to disable the default implementations.
            • USE_TINY_AEC_IMPL 0
      • PipeMixer
        • Mixing pipe output.
        • This provides SinkAdapator for the Pipe's Sink.
        • And this output to Sink.
          • Note that the implementation is quite tiny. You need to replace high quality implementation. See the .cpp, you need to define the macro to disable the default implementations.
            • USE_TINY_MIXER_IMPL 0
      • MixerSplitter
        • This enables flexible signal flow.
          • case 1: Mapping specified Pipe to Sink
            • Pipe1 ---> Sink1
            • Pipe2 ---> Sink2
          • case 2: Mix pipe outputs and output to specified Sink
            • Pipe1+Pipe2 --> Sink2
          • case 3: depending on the AudioFormat, change the Sink
            • Pipe1+Pipe2 if PCM ----> Sink1
            • Pipe2 --ifCompressed --> Sink2
        • You can specify mapping (SinkAdaptor-Sink) and mapping condition with MapCondition dynamically.
          • Use map(), conditionalMap() and unmap()
    • Utilities

      • AudioBuffer

        • IAudioBuffer : interface class. The following classes are derived from this.
          • AudioBuffer : Buffer for PCM encoding data
          • CompressedBuffer : Buffer for ES(Compressed) data
      • AudioFormatAdaptor

        • PCM Format Conversion
          • Convertable bi-directltionally.
            • Encoding format : 8Bit, 16bit, 24bit, 32bit, float
            • Sampling rate conversion
            • Channel conversion.
          • Note that those implementations are quite tiny. You need to replace high quality implementation. See the .cpp, you need to define the macro to disable the default implementations.
            • USE_TINY_CC_IMPL 0
            • USE_TINY_SRC_IMPL 0
      • Volume

        • Note that the implementation is quite tiny. You need to replace high quality implementation. See the .cpp, you need to define the macro to disable the default implementations.
      • Stream

        • Abstraction of input/out from the others
          • e.g. FileStream can provide file input/output.
        • StreamSource : Work as Source but the source data is provided by attched Stream.
        • StreamSink : Work as Sink but the sink data is stored to attached Stream.
      • ParameterManager

        • This provides registry (parameter database).
        • You can subscribe the value change.
          • Key exact match e.g. "paramA"
          • Key wild card case e.g. "param*"
        • read only parameter. e.g. "ro.paramA"
      • Resource Manager

        • You need to report actual computing resource which is expected to measure at runtime. You can find dummy implementation as follows: __USE_DUMMY_CPU_RESOURCE_IMPL_ 0
          #ifndef CPU_RESOURCE_VALUE
          #define CPU_RESOURCE_VALUE 1000000 // 1000DMIPS * 1000
          #endif /* CPU_RESOURCE_VALUE */
          int CpuResource::getComputingResource(void)
            return CPU_RESOURCE_VALUE;
      • Test foundation

        • ICapture
          • This enables to capture the result without any impact to the Source, Sink, Filter which implements this.
          • You can capture and check the result to verify what's going on.
          • SourceCapture : Capture the read source's data.
          • SinkCapture : Capture the data written to the Sink.
          • FilterCapture : Capture Filter's output data.
        • IInjector
          • This enables to inject data instead of the actual data without any impact to the Source, Sink, Filter which implements this.
          • You can inject data even to verify behavior with the injected data.
          • SourceInjector : Instead of actual Source Data, inject data is read by Pipe.
          • SinkInjector : Instead of written Sink data, injected data is output to actual Sink.
          • FilterInjector : Instead of signal processed data, inject data is used as the filter output.
  • Test case framework is gtest.

    • TestCase_Common
      • Define the common classes for testcases
        • Source
          • class TestSource : public Source
          • class SinSource : public TestSource
          • class CompressedSource : public Source
        • Sink
          • class TestSink : public Sink
          • class CompressedSink : public Sink
          • class HdmiAudioSink : public CompressedSink
          • class SpdifSink : public CompressedSink
          • class LPcmSink : public Sink
          • class SpeakerSink : public LPcmSink
          • class HeadphoneSink : public LPcmSink
          • class BluetoothAudioSink : public LPcmSink
          • class HQSpeakerSink : public SpeakerSink
          • class SinkFactory
          • class OutputManager : public MultipleSink
        • ExampleFilters for test cases
          • class VirtualizerA : public Filter
          • class VirtualizerB : public Filter
          • class VirtualizerC : public Filter
          • class FilterReverb : public Filter
          • class SpeakerProtectionFilter : public Filter
        • Strategy
          • class TunnelPlaybackContext : public StrategyContext
          • class TunnelPlaybackStrategy : public IStrategy
    • TestCase_PipeAndFilter
      • Basic Pipe, Source, Sink setup.
      • Basic PipeMultiThread, Source, Sink.
      • MultiSink
      • StreamSource, StreamSink
      • PipeMixer, MixerSplit
      • Decoder, Encoder
      • EncodedSink with transcoder/passthrough
      • Format Conversion
        • Encoding format conversion
        • Sampling rate conversion
        • Channel conversion
      • Filters
        • Example: FilterIncrement
        • DelayFilter, AccousticEchoCancelFilter
    • TestCase_TestFoundation
      • Capture, Injection
      • for Source, Sink, Filter
    • TestCase_Output
      • Output (Sink) related test cases
    • TestCase_DynamicSignalFlow
      • Add/Change/Remove filter
      • Attach/Detach Sink, Source
    • TestCase_System
      • PowerManagement
      • Property
      • PlugIn
      • ResourceManager
      • Starategy
    • TestCas_Util
      • StringTokenizer
      • FifoBuffer


under developing. It's in quite early stage.


$ make -j 4; ./bin/afw_test;

make target description
make build test case executable (bin/afwtest)
make afw build lib/libafw.a for static link library
make afwshared build lib/libafw.so (or .dylib) for dynamic link library
make test build test case executable (bin/test_with_afwlib) (libafw.a required)
make testshared build bin/test_with_afwlib_so (lib/libafw.so(.dylib) required)
make fdk build bin/fdk_exec (lib/libafw.so(.dylib) required)
make filterexample build lib/filter-plugin/libfilter_example.so(.dylib) (lib/libafw.so(.dylib) required)
make sourceexample build lib/source-plugin/libfilter_example.so(.dylib) (lib/libafw.so(.dylib) required)
make sinkexample build lib/sink-plugin/libfilter_example.so(.dylib) (lib/libafw.so(.dylib) required)
make codecexample build lib/codec-plugin/libfilter_example.so(.dylib) (lib/libafw.so(.dylib) required)
  • If you want to use dynamic library based development, the following is expected make and execution sequence.
$ make afwshared -j 4
$ make fdk filterexample testshared -j 4
$ ./bin/test_with_afwlib_so
$ ./bin/fdk_exec -f lib/filter-plugin/libfilter_example.so

External Dependencies

Plans to implement

  • Build

    • [done] Separate test and afw in Makefile
    • [done] Support -j option
    • [done] Filter, Source, Sink, Codec development kit
      • [done] filter development kit (fdk/)
      $ make afwshared -j4 # this required once
      $ make fdk -j 4  # this required once
      • [done] filter example (example_filter/)
      $ make filterexample -j 4
      $ bin/fdk_exec -f lib/filter-plugin -p "filter.exampleReverb.power=1;filter.exampleReverb.delay=5"
      • [done] source example (example_source/)
      $ make sourceexample -j 4
      $ bin/fdk_exec -u lib/source-plugin
      • [done] sink example (example_source/)
      $ make sinkexample -j 4
      $ bin/fdk_exec -s lib/sink-plugin
      • [done] codec example (example_codec/) (decoder)
      $ make codecexample -j 4
      $ bin/fdk_exec -d lib/codec-plugin -i esdata.dat
      $ bin/fdk_exec -d lib/codec-plugin/libcodec_example.dylib,COMPRESSED_0 -i esdata.dat
      Note that specifying -i is required to test decoder plug-in since decoder require CompressedBuffer, not AudioBuffer(=PCM buffer) instance.
  • Filter example

    • [done] Add reverb with ParameterManager (FilterReverb in TestCase_Common)
    • [] Add volume filter with ParameterManager
    • [] Add delay filter with ParameterManager
      • [done] Add simple delay filter
      • [done] Add per-channel delay filter
  • Pipe

    • [done] window size LCM based Pipe
    • [done] min window size based Pipe
    • [done] PipeMixer
    • [done] Add get latency
  • Sink

    • [done] StreamSink : output to the stream
    • [done] MultiSink
      • [done] getLatencyUSec as maximum of registered Sinks.
      • [done] Add latency adjustment among registered Sinks with delay filter
    • [done] Add filter enabled sink (PipedSink)
    • [done] Add volume (setVolume() in ISink)
    • [done] Per-channel Volume in ISink()
    • [done] Per-channel Volume in MultipleSink()
    • [done] Add get latency
    • [done] EncoderSink
      • [done] pass through
      • [done] transcode
        • [done] decoder only case
        • [done] encoder only case
        • [done] decoder+encoder only case
        • [done] PCM format conversion case
    • [] Add SinkExample actually playback on PC
  • Source

    • [done] StreamSource : input from the stream
    • [done] Add get latency
    • [done] Add filter enabled source (PipedSource)
    • [done] Add RefereceSoundSource
    • [done] Accoustic Echo Cancelled Source
      • [done] Delay Adjustment between Source and Reference Sound Sink
      • [done] Add tiny AEC filter & implement in the AEC-ed Source
    • [done] Add SourceExample : Sin curve source
    • [] Add SourceExample actually capture on PC
  • Util

    • [done] PCM encoding converter
    • [done] Sampling rate converter
    • [done] Channel converter
    • [done] Volume
    • [done] Per-channel Volume
    • [done] FileStream
    • [done] InterPipeBridge (FIFOed Source and Sink)
    • [done] Per-channel demuxer (ChannelDemuxer)
    • [done] Channel muxer (ChannelMuxer)
    • ParameterManager
      • [done] basic set/get & readonly, pub/sub with wild card
      • [done] parameter hierachy support
      • [done] persist support
      • [done] default value database
    • Plug-in
      • [done] Plug-in manager
      • [done] Filter Plug-in manager
        • [done] Create example filter plug-in
      • [done]Sink Plug-in manager
      • [done]Source Plug-in manager
      • [done]Codec Plug-in manager
        • [] create codec by audioformat for plug-in
      • []Strategy Plug-in manager
      • []Util impl. plug-in : SRC, Encoding, Channel, Mixer, Volume
  • ResourceManager

    • [done] CPU resource manager
      • [done] ResourceConsumer with ResourceManager
    • Utilize CPU resource manager in Pipe's filter setup
      • [done] Filter with ResourceConsumer
      • [done] Source with ResourceConsumer
      • [done] Sink with ResourceConsumer
    • Utilize CPU resource manager in Encode/Decoder setup
      • [done] Implement ResourceConsumer in Decoder, Encoder with InterPipeBridge for resource evaluaton by attached Pipe.
  • Strategy

    • [] Add dynamic pipe change
      • [done] attach/detach new pipe to pipe mixer dynamically
      • [done] attach/detach new filter to pipe dynamically
      • [done] attach/detach new sink to pipe dynamically
      • [done] attach/detach new source to pipe dynamically
      • [done] Mute in Sink
      • [done] Mute in Source
      • [done] Mute in Pipe
      • [done] attach new Sink To ReferenceSoundSink for AecSinkSource
    • PowerManagement
      • Suspend/Resume/Shutdown/Cold Boot, etc.
        • [done] PowerManager
          • PowerManagerPrimitive
            • [done] Linux resume monitor from suspend
        • the handler in the example strategy
  • StreamManager

    • [done] id, request for the stream, stream(=the pipe) which includes the source, the filters and the sink.
  • Testability support

    • [done] dump
    • [done] file in/out with StreamFile and SteramSource/StreamSink
    • Injection/Capture support
      • [Done] SinkCapture
      • [Done] SinkInjector
      • [Done] SourceInjector
      • [Done] SourceCapture
      • [Done] FilterInjector
      • [Done] FilterCapture
    • [done] Split test cases as several files per component characteristic
  • All

    • [done] Compressed data support
      • [done] AudioFormat
      • [done] IAudioBufer, CompressedAudioBuffer
      • [done] Sink, Source
      • [done] Decoder
      • [done] Encoder
      • [done] Player (ES controller)
    • [] A/V sync support
      • [] Tiny speed controller (with TinySRC)
  • selectPrentation

  • OSAL

    • Example Sink for ALSA and/or MacOSX
    • Example Source for ALSA and/or MacOSX

Build environment setup

For MacOSX

$ brew install ccache
  • install gtest
$ brew install cmake
$ git clone https://github.com/google/googletest.git
$ cd googletest
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="c++" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++" ../
$ make
$ sudo make install

For Ubuntu 20.04LTS

$ sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential ccache clang-11 googletest libgtest-dev