
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a plug-in framework, the plug-in example and the test case.

  • How to use the framework: See the test case
  • How to create the plug-in: See the example_plugin
  • The others
    • See Makefile to create your own plug-in Makefile.

Basic usage

  1. Define your plug-in base class (common header between your plug-in developer and the plug-in user program)
class ExamplePlugInBase : public IPlugIn
    virtual ~ExamplePlugInBase(){};

    /* @desc initialize at loading the  plug-in shared object such as .so */
    virtual void onLoad(void){};
    /* @desc uninitialize at unloading the  plug-in shared object such as .so */
    virtual void onUnload(void){};
    /* @desc report your  plug-in's unique id
        @return unique plug-in id. may use uuid. */
    virtual std::string getId(void){return "nothing";};
    /* @desc report plugin type
     @return plug-in type. */
      virtual std::string getType(void){ return "ExamplePlugInBase"; };
    /* @desc this is expected to use by strategy
        @return new YourConcreteClass()'s instanciated result */
    virtual IPlugIn* newInstance(void) = 0;
    virtual std::string toString(void){ return "NoPlugIn"; };
    virtual void doSomething(void) = 0;
  1. Define the plug-in manager for your defined plug-in base class with template (common header between your plug-in developer and the plug-in user program)
typedef TPlugInManager<ExamplePlugInBase> ExamplePlugInManager;
  1. Define your concrete plug-in class. (plug-in developer own)
class ConcreteExamplePlugIn : public ExamplePlugInBase
    std::cout << "ConcreteExamplePlugIn::constructor()" << std::endl;
  virtual ~ConcreteExamplePlugIn(){
    std::cout << "ConcreteExamplePlugIn::destructor()" << std::endl;
  virtual std::string toString(void){ return "ConcreteExamplePlugIn"; };

  /* @desc initialize at loading the  plug-in shared object such as .so */
  virtual void onLoad(void){
    std::cout << "ConcreteExamplePlugIn::onLoad" << std::endl;
  /* @desc uninitialize at unloading the  plug-in shared object such as .so */
  virtual void onUnload(void){
    std::cout << "ConcreteExamplePlugIn::onUnload" << std::endl;
  /* @desc report your plug-in's unique id
     @return unique plug-in id. may use uuid. */
  virtual std::string getId(void){
    return std::string("ConcreteExamplePlugIn");
  /* @desc this is expected to use by strategy
     @return new YourPlugIn's result */
  virtual IPlugIn* newInstance(void){
  	std::cout << "ConcreteExamplePlugIn::newInstance" << std::endl;
    return new ConcreteExamplePlugIn();

  virtual void doSomething(void){
    std::cout << "ConcreteExamplePlugIn::doSomething" << std::endl;

Note that you should implement virtual IPlugIn* newInstance(void) as the above (return your your class's instance with new YourClass() ).

  1. Use the plug-in with the plug-in manager (The plug-in user program)
  std::weak_ptr<ExamplePlugInManager> pWeakManager = ExamplePlugInManager::getManager();
  std::shared_ptr<ExamplePlugInManager> pManager = pWeakManager.lock();
  if( pManager ){

    std::vector<std::string> plugInIds = pManager->getPlugInIds();
    for(auto& aPlugInId : plugInIds){
      std::shared_ptr<ExamplePlugInBase> thePlugIn = ExamplePlugInManager::newInstanceById( aPlugInId );
      if( thePlugIn ){
        thePlugIn->doSomething(); // this is your plug-in's own method.
  1. Finish up (At the end of your plug-in user program)