
Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This robust-diff with cdiff.py can enumerate difference between files which are stored under specified directories.

The remarkable points are

  • Robust file search
  • Comment ignored diff with cdiff.py which can ignore C/C++ style comments.

Then you can enumerate the actual diff in case of file moved case and comment addition/removal, etc.

ruby robust-diff.rb --help
Usage: -s sourceDir -t destDir -o outputDir
    -s, --srcDir=                    Specify srcDir (old)
    -t, --dstDir=                    Specify dstDir (new)
    -f, --filter=                    Specify filename filter regexp
    -I, --ignoreRegExp=              Specify ignore regexp for diff -I
    -d, --useDiff                    Specify if you want to use normal diff command
    -o, --output=                    Specify output path
    -u, --useSourceNameForOutput     Specify if you want to output with the source file basis
    -m, --outputNotFoundFiles        Specify if you want to output not found files
    -j, --numOfThreads=              Specify number of threads (default:10)
    -v, --verbose                    Enable verbose

Example to use

Basic usage

$ ruby robust-diff.rb -s ./test/old -t ./test/new -o result

Advanced usage : specify the file filter

$ ruby robust-diff.rb -s old -t new -f "\.patch$" -o result

Diff for file with ending with .patch

Advanced usage : missing files output

$ ruby robust-diff.rb -s ./test/old -t ./test/new -o result -m

Advanced usage : diff with normal diff command

$ ruby robust-diff.rb -s ./test/old -t ./test/new -o result --useDiff

About cdiff.py

python3 cdiff.py --help
usage: cdiff.py [-h] [-s] [-c] [args ...]

Parse command line options.

positional arguments:
  args                 file1 file2

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -s, --strip          Ignore blank, etc.
  -c, --ignoreComment  Ignore comments //, /* */

Basic usage

$ python3 cdiff.py old/source.cpp new/source.cpp -c -s

Then diff with ignoring the comments and ignoring space, tab difference.