This repository serves as an illustrative example for developing a scalable chat application using NestJS. The architecture of this application is specifically designed to efficiently handle a high volume of users while ensuring high performance for real-time messaging.
Check out my article "Designing a Highly Scalable Chat Application for Handling High User Loads in NestJS" for a detailed explanation.
- The application maintains correct functionality even when horizontally scaling out multiple instances.
- The application efficiently delivers messages or events only to the relevant instances, avoiding unnecessary invocations and optimizing resource usage and performance.
- The application architecture is designed with loose coupling between services, leveraging the Dependency Inversion Principle in NestJS. This allows for easy decomposition into microservices with minimal effort.
- Additionally, by implementing the "Clean architecture", the application becomes framework-independent. For example, it allows for effortless transition between databases, such as migrating from MongoDB to PostgreSQL, without requiring modifications to the core entity and business logic.
All of these aspects are discussed in detail in my article available here.
Follow the steps below to install and set up the project:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Copy the environment file:
cp sample.env .env
Start the containers:
npm run dc up
Initialize the database (only needed once):
npm run dc-create-testing-data
If you want to clean the project, run the following command:
npm run dc-clean
Feel free to reach out if you have any ideas, comments, or questions.
Best regards,
Hien Nguyen Minh
- Author - @hienngm
- LinkedIn - Hien Nguyen Minh
- Blog -
This project is licensed under the MIT License.