Learn Selenium WebDriver with Python for professional Selenium testing and automation.
Code examples for "Selenium WebDriver: Automation Testing with Python" course on Udemy
- Set up test automation framework with Selenium WebDriver
- Automate your first Selenium WebDriver test
- Automate software tests with Selenium WebDriver using Python and PyTest framework
- Execute Selenium tests in Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers
- Recognize different Selenium WebDriver test failures and exceptions and know how to fix and avoid them
- Use PyTest features for better test structure and easy test automation framework maintenance
- Learn the basics of Python programming for beginners necessary for running Selenium WebDriver test automations
Selenium WebDriver testing tutorial is created for Manual Software Testers that want to learn automation testing from scratch with Selenium WebDriver using Python.
You will learn the entire process.
Each step is explained in detail from the WebDriver setup to running your first automated selenium test.
- Automate software tests with Selenium WebDriver using Python and PyTest framework
- Execute Selenium tests in Chrome, Firefox, and other browsers
- Recognize different Selenium WebDriver test failures and exceptions and know how to fix and avoid them
- Use PyTest features for better test structure and easy test automation framework maintenance
And most importantly, you will be prepared to receive a promotion at the current job or get a new job that requires selenium webdriver or other test automation experience.
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