Petclinic is a web clone inspired by StackOverflow, connecting medical professionals and concerned owners for pet medical advice. There's no advice better than a professional one!
- Javascript | HTML | CSS | Pug | AJAX | Heroku Hosting
- Express | Express Validation | Sequelize | PostgreSQL | CSURF
- Authentication: uses password hash and bcrypt library
- CSRF Protection against csrf attacks
- Users may sign-in, sign-up or log-out of their accounts
- Once logged in, Users may upvote and downvote on questions
- Users will have their own homepage showcasing clickable links to their questions and answers depending on their account (Professional/Non-Professional)
- Only professionals may both ask and answer questions
- Non-porfessionals may post as many questions as they want
- Only professionals may both ask and answer questions
- edit/delete answers
- edit/delete questions
- splash page
- search feature