
Magento 2 ready PHP and PHP-FPM images for Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Docker Images

Docker Image CI Docker Pulls

Supported Tags

  • 7.4, 7.4-loaders, 7.4-fpm, 7.4-fpm-loaders
  • 7.3, 7.3-loaders, 7.3-fpm, 7.3-fpm-loaders
  • 7.2, 7.2-loaders, 7.2-fpm, 7.2-fpm-loaders

The -loaders suffix indicates the image includes both Source Guardian and IonCube loaders. These should be used when encoded PHP code is present in the project.

PHP 7.4 images are currently using a custom pipeline to build RPMS from spec files to workaround issues with upstream dependencies which are holding up the process of getting PHP 7.4 published in IUS repositories. These can be found inside the container image at /var/php74 and /var/php74-src where they are located for use as a local RPM repository.

Archived Tags

The following tags are no longer updated as they are for PHP versions which have reached EOL. Additionally due to ImageMagick updates coinciding with the release of EL 7.8 the *-pecl-imagick extensions for these older versions will no longer install on the CentOS 7 base image.

  • 7.1, 7.1-loaders, 7.1-fpm, 7.1-fpm-loaders
  • 7.0, 7.0-loaders, 7.0-fpm, 7.0-fpm-loaders
  • 5.6, 5.6-loaders, 5.6-fpm, 5.6-fpm-loaders
  • 5.5, 5.5-loaders, 5.5-fpm, 5.5-fpm-loaders

Additional Extensions

These images are based on the centos:7 image using the IUS RPMs to install PHP including the following extensions:

  • bcmath
  • gd
  • gmp
  • intl
  • json
  • mbstring
  • mcrypt (7.1 and lower)
  • sodium (7.2 and greater)
  • mysqlnd
  • opcache
  • pdo
  • pecl-amqp
  • pecl-redis
  • pecl-imagick
  • process
  • soap
  • xml
  • xmlrpc
  • zip

Other Inclusions

  • composer - dependency manager for PHP packages
  • git - version control system (used by composer)
  • npm - package manager for the Node JavaScript platform
  • patch - apply a diff file to an original (used by composer)
  • unzip - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive (used by composer)
  • pwgen - password generator used in scripting creation of passwords meeting specific criteria
  • ncat - networking utility which reads and writes data across networks from the command line
  • jq - commandline JSON processor for use in scripts and pipelines