

  • Setup development environment React Native CLI
  • We recommended to use yarn
  • Ruby version: 2.7.6 (recommended use rbenv to manage the Ruby programming language)

Importance before commit

You must fix all bug of ESLint

You must config git Username/Email


Before run script, you must navigate to your project :cd <your_project_folder>

  • Install dependencies: yarn
  • Run Android: yarn android:dev (dev/prod by default)
  • Run IOS: yarn ios:dev (dev/prod by default)
  • Start server: yarn start
  • Install library then pods IOS: yarn add <your_library>
  • Change splash logo
    • Step 1: Get file .PNG to change then rename it to splash.PNG
    • Step 2: Copy and pate to splash folder
    • Step 3: Run command: yarn splash
  • ...

Detail command: Read script of package.json file

Base config (Now u can config on env)

  • Change App name APP_DISPLAY_NAME on env/(.dev/.prod)
  • Change App id BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER on env/(.dev/.prod)
  • Change App version VERSION_NAME on env/(.dev/.prod)
  • Change App build number VERSION_CODE on env/(.dev/.prod)
  • Change App URL API_URL on env/(.dev/.prod)

Gen app icon and Change app icon by env

Build with: rn-ml

  • Update app icon file from appicon folder
  • Run: yarn app-icon or yarn app-icon:dev
    • Android: auto change flavor script
    • IOS: Change ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME to your respective App Icon Assets (in respective env file)


Create new Environment

Ex: New Environment named: Demo

  • Setup env

    • Create new env file in env folder (.demo)
    • Copy all value from .dev to new env file
    • Update value in new env file
  • Setup fastlane

    • Create new env file with name syntax: .env.<env_name> (.env.demo)
    • Copy app value from to new env file
    • Update value in new env file
    • Get new apple and gooogle api file then copy to api-key folder. ex:
      • api-key/apple/demo.p8
      • api-key/google/demo.json
    • More info to create api key for fastlane: Google-Key, Apple-Key
    • Create new script upload build: ex:
      • "fastlane:demo": "npx ts-node scripts/fastlane.ts google_internal_test_flight env/.demo demo"
        • env/.demo: path to env file
        • demo: env file of fastlane. correct env file name for fastlane is: .env.demo
  • Setup splash, app icon, script build

  • Splash

    • This project use react-native-bootsplash to create splash file. Read the docs before continue
    • Get splash file then copy to splash folder named: splash-<environment_name>.png. ex: splash-demo.png
    • Create new script in package.json file. ex:
      • "splash-demo": "npx ts-node ./scripts/splash.ts splash/splash-demo.png 0E1019 150 demo BootSplashDemo",
        • 0E1019: background color of splash screen
        • 150: width of icon splash
        • demo: flavor folder for android
        • BootSplashDemo: story board file name for ios. It must be like SPLASH_STORYBOARD_NAME in env file
        • Open new_boiler_arc.xcworkspace via xcode then add BootSplashDemo.storyboad file to xcode.
  • App icon

    • This project use rn-ml to gen app icon automatically
      • App icon saved in appicon folder
      • Get new png file with dimension 1024x1024. The file must not include transparent pixel.
      • App icon named: appicon-<environment_name>.png. ex: appicon-demo.pnd
      • Create new script for gen app icon in package.json file. ex:
        • "app-icon:demo": "npx rn-ml appicon -s appicon/appicon-demo.png -f demo -icn AppIcon-Demo"
          • -f demo: flavor android
          • AppIcon-Demo: App icon image assets name for ios. It must be like ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME in env file
  • Setup Android/IOS

This project use react-native-config to switch env

  • Android

    • Add new flavor productFlavors section in android/app/build.gradle
    • Add env path to project.ext.envConfigFiles section in android/app/build.gradle.
    • Gen new google-services.json from Firebase then copy to android/app/src/<flavor_name>. ex: android/app/src/demo/google-services.json.
    • If android/app/src/<flavor_name> not exits, create new folder for it
  • IOS

    • Gen new GoogleService-Info.plist from Firebase

    • Create new folder with name like SCHEME_SUFFIX section in env file to ios/GoogleService/<SCHEME_SUFFIX>. Then copy file GoogleService-Info.plist to this. More info, u can read Setup Firebase Environment GoogleService-Info.plist section in Build Phase in workspace file

    • Open Open new_boiler_arc.xcworkspace via xcode

    • Select new_boiler_arc-Dev scheme then click edit scheme

    • Click Duplicate scheme.

    • Rename Scheme like: new_boiler_arc-<SCHEME_SUFFIX>. SCHEME_SUFFIX in env file

    • Check Shared checkbox on the dialog

    • Select Pre-actions

    • On the first script, change env to load when xcode build. ex:

      • ENV_PATH="env/.dev" to ENV_PATH="env/.demo"
    • Complete script like:

          cd "${SRCROOT}/.."
          /bin/sh -c "./scripts/ $ENV_PATH"
          echo $ENV_PATH > /tmp/envfile


  • With gooogle play, u must publish .aab first time manually. Then, u can upload aab via fastlane. fastlane/fastlane#14686