
PHP Payway api wrapper

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Payway PHP API wrapper


This is base package I use for developing Payway payment plugin. It might be clumsy in there, but it just got the job done. If you have any suggestion, please open an issue.


You cannot use this package out of the box immediately. You must implement some function in order to make it work. That provide flexibility and framework-compatibility.

Implement the abstract functions

You need to inherit AbstractPaywayApiWrapper class to use it. There are currently three functions need to be implemented:

protected abstract function getStoreUid();
protected abstract function getMerchantInformation();
protected abstract function makeRequest($url, $method, $idempotencyKey = '', $data = null, $additionalHeaders = null);
  • getStoreUid: This function is used to get saved store unique identifier in your framework. Customer-related functionality needs this identifier to make saved customer in payway unique for each store. Think of using the plugin in two store with same merchant credentials, without this identifier a customer with id 11 can be missused by the other stores and cause confusion.
  • getMerchantInformation: This function returns merchant information saved in the framework's database. It needs to return PaywaySDK\Data\MerchantInformation type.
  • makeRequest: This function doing the request using the framework's implementation. Each framework requires a different way to make outbound requests. E.g: Magento 2 uses Magento\Framework\HTTP\Client\Curl, Wordpress uses wp_remote_request. The function must return an array - the decoded JSON response from Payway gateway. Don't forget to add necessary API headers and add idempotency key in response. An example of Wordpress implementation with retry on failure:
protected function makeRequest( $url, $method, $idempotencyKey = '', $data = null, $additionalHeaders = null ) {
    if ( ! is_array( $additionalHeaders ) ) {
        $additionalHeaders = [];
    $headers = array_merge( $additionalHeaders, array(
        'Idempotency-Key' => $idempotencyKey,
        'Authorization'   => 'Basic ' . base64_encode( $this->getMerchantInformation()->getPrivateKey() ),
        'Content-Type'    => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    ) );

    if ( $method == METHOD_GET ) {
        $data = null;
    } elseif ( is_array( $data ) ) {
        $data = http_build_query( $data );
    } elseif ( ! is_string( $data ) ) {
        $data = null;

    $result = array();

    for ( $retries = 0; $retries < 4; $retries ++ ) {
        if ( $retries > 0 ) {
            sleep( 20 );

        $result = wp_remote_request( $url, array(
            'method'  => $method,
            'headers' => $headers,
            'body'    => $data,
            'timeout' => 5
        ) );

        if ( $result instanceof WP_Error ) {
        } elseif ( $result['response']['code'] == 429 || $result['response']['code'] == 503 ) {
        } elseif ( $result['response']['code'] > 200 && $result['response']['code'] < 299 || $result['response']['code'] == 422 ) {
            $result                   = json_decode( $result['body'], 1 );
            $result['idempotencyKey'] = $idempotencyKey;
        } else {
            unset( $result['cookies'] );
            unset( $result['http_response'] );

    return $result;

Using the wrapper

After implement abstract functions, you can use it. Example usage:

$api = new PaywayApiWrapper();
/** @var \PaywaySDK\Response\TransactionResponse $paymentResult */
$paymentResult = $api->takePayment( $paywayToken, $customerId, $orderTotal, $customerIpAddress );
if ($paymentResult && $paymentResult->isSuccess()) {
    // Process order here
} else {
    // Something went wrong, handle error here


If you found any problem and/or have idea of improvement, please open an issue.

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