
Social media for movie lovers

Primary LanguagePython

Social media for movie lovers


This project was started as my bachelor thesis project. The idea was to create a basic social media using Django and since I'm addicted to movies, I have created this project for movie lovers. Although in the project there are several apps which focus on movies, it can be customized easily to be a fully working social media for any other needs.


Setup virtualenv:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env_django143 --no-site-packages

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the database and change the settings accordingly:

cp yephi/local_settings.sample.py yephi/local_settings.py

Sync database:

python manage.py syncdb

Load fixtures:

python manage.py loaddata deployment/initial_data.xml

Reindex for search:

python manage.py rebuild_index

Run with gunicorn:

python manage.py run_gunicorn -D --bind=


This project is licensed under GPLv3.