
Project Repository for CS420: Compilers.

Primary LanguageC++

CS420: Compiler


This repository contains the basic implementation of a compiler for the programming language TruPL. As the adopted C++ syntax is somewhat archaic, check out trupl-compiler for a more updated version of the same compiler.


The source package can be built using Bazel or GNU-compatible Make.

  • Obtain a local clone of the repository:
git clone https://github.com/hieule22/cs420.git
  • Build the executable binary:

    • GNU Make: cd src/ && make truc

    • Bazel: bazel build src:truc

  • Supply the compiler with a full path to the targeted source file:

    • GNU Make: src/truc path/to/source.trupl

    • Bazel: bazel-bin/src/truc path/to/source.trupl

  • Execute unit tests:

    • GNU Make: cd test/ && make all

    • Bazel: cd test/ && bazel test parser:all scanner:all tokens:all

Sample Input / Output

The following TruPL program computes the greatest common divisor of 2 integers.

program gcdfinder;
  a, b: int;

  a := 28;
  b := 119;

  while a <> b loop begin
    if a < b then begin
      b := b - a;
    end else begin
      a := a - b;

  print a;

Target assembly code generated for the above program.

				move R0, #28
				move a, R0
				move R0, #119
				move b, R0
				move R0, a
				sub R0, b
				brez R0, _compare_false2
				move R0, #1
				brun _compare_done3
				move R0, #0
				brez R0, _while_done1
				move R0, a
				sub R0, b
				brez R0, _compare_false4
				brpo R0, _compare_false4
				move R0, #1
				brun _compare_done5
				move R0, #0
				brez R0, _else6
				move R0, b
				sub R0, a
				move b, R0
				brun _if_done7
				move R0, a
				sub R0, b
				move a, R0
				brun _while_cond0
				move R0, a
				outb R0

a:				data 1
b:				data 1