Just because of my laziness
DISCLAIMER: this is just a play-around tools and the code IS-NOT refactored yet, feel free to use and if you want to contribute, god bless you when start reading the source
- Any linux distro support python 2.7
- Make sure your machine contains your private key suitable with your gerrit username.
Install dependencies
$ sudo pip install --proxy <proto://IP:port> -r requirements.txt
Drop proxy part if you do not use proxy
- Run
./xdeliver.py -h
for usage
hieulq@pwner:~/$ ./xdeliver.py -h
Usage: xdeliver.py [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OWNER, --owner=OWNER
gerrit pwner [default: hieulq]
-s SERVER, --server=SERVER
gerrit server [default: review.openstack.org]
-p PORT, --port=PORT gerrit port [default: 29418]
start time for querrying in gerrit, in format: YYYY-
-k FILE, --keyfile=FILE
gerrit ssh keyfile [default: use local keyfile]
-P PASS, --passphrase=PASS
passphrase in case of enrypting keyfile
-u USER, --user=USER gerrit user to querry [default: hieulq]
whether to delete delivery folder and loc file
[default: 0]
For example, if my username is cap
and I want to query results of user iron
from 2016-04-01
, before start querying it will delete the current output folder (default is Delivery
). And note that default xdeliver
will use my local private key (at ~/.ssh/id_rsa
), if you want to use another keyfile please use option -k <key_path>
with passphrase along with -P <pass>
$ ./xdeliver.py -o cap -u iron --start-time=2016-04-01 -d 1
After that, you will have your
folder containing all gerrit patch-set at PDF format. Please restructure this folder and put another research documents.. into this folder. -
./gtree.py -h
for usage
hieulq@pwner:~/$ ./gtree.py -h
Usage: gtree.py [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path=PATH delivery folder path [default: ~/Deliver]
For example, I want to generate the tree file 'list_of_file_Container_20161205.txt' with LOC and page count from folder generate from xdeliver
$ ./gtree.py -p Deliver >list_of_file_Container_20161205.txt
- And the result is the file 'list_of_file_Container_20161205.txt' is created with the following content:
[Page count (for documents)] [Line count (for source code)]
Total Pages count:--------------------------------------------------------------------------435 pages
Total Lines count:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21594 insertion(+), 10609 deletions(-)
Folder PATH listing
| List_of_files---------------------------------------------------------------------------38
+---1. XXXXXXX
| +---1.1. XXXXXX
| | +---1.1.1. XXXXXXXXXX
| | | | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pdf------------------------------------------16
| | | | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.pdf---------------------------------------------20
| | | |
| | | |
| | | +---XX
| | | |
| | | \---XXXXXXXXX
| | |
| .....
+---2.2. XXXXXXX
| \---XXXXXX
| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------58 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------57 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
| | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ------------------------------------------------------------62 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
-- Ubuntu 14.04
-- Mozilla Firefox 43.0.4
Install Xvfb – The X Virtual FrameBuffer (Need to run with selenium)
$ sudo apt-get install xvfb
Install selenium - Need to get HTML of JS page. Because gerrit use JS to generate HTML.
$ sudo pip install -U selenium
Install reportlab - A Python lib allow to work with PDF file.
$ sudo pip install -U reportlab
Copy and paste your gerrit links to input.txt file.
Make sure your gerrit links matched with this format:https://review.openstack.org/#/c/xxxxx/
Replace FIREFOX_BIN in deliver.py file by your firefox dir.
Show this dir with
$ which firefox
Edit some configurations on txt2pdf.py if you want.
Get your deliver
$ xvfb-run python deliver.py
- Follow screen to make sure you don't miss anything.