
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Aidudu - Kanban-driven Project Management Web Application

Team Members

  • Trinh Thu Hai
  • Tran Le Hoang
  • Tran Hai Son
  • Le Duc Dung
  • Hoang Tuan Anh Van
  • Dang Quang Minh
  • Pham Tuan Son
  • Tran Trung Hieu
  • Vu Hai Dang
  • Pham Van Khoa

How to contribute?

Please read our CONTRIBUTING document.

Setup VSCode for developing

Setup Python virtual environment and install dependencies to suppress import warnings in VSCode while working with backend:

cd backend/
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

pip3 install -r requirements_[YOUR_OS].txt

Then reload your vscode and select env/bin/python as the main Python interpreter for vscode

Install extension Python Docstring Generator (optional)

  • Change default docstring format from Google to Sphinx

Setup on local machine

Setup backend:

# start backend server and required services
docker-compose up

If this the first time you setup the backend, you need to run the migrate command inside the backend container:

docker-compose exec backend python3 manage.py migrate

Setup frontend:

Prerequisite: nodejs and npm installed.

1. Set up local developing environment (VSCode, ...)

cd frontend/

# install dependencies (run once)
# Note: should not try to resolve any vulnerabilities
npm i

In case you do not use docker, run this command to start frontend server (port 3000)
Then open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. You should first register an account in login page.

# start frontend (in case you do not use docker)
npm run start

2. Set up docker enviroment for developing

cd frontend/

# start frontend server (port 3000)
docker-compose up

Setup on production server (draft)

The backend server will run on port 8000 and the frontend server will run on port 3000. Please make sure these ports are available on your server.

# Start all the required services
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d

If this the first time you setup the production server, you need to run the migrate command inside the backend container:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml exec backend python3 manage.py migrate


How to run command inside Docker container

docker-compose -f docker-compose.[ENV].yml exec [COMMAND]

How to create an admin user

python3 manage.py createsuperuser

How to migrate database

python3 manage.py migrate

How to make database migration

Note: do not run this command if you're not permitted by the team leader. Otherwise, all PR include migrations changes will be rejected.

python3 manage.py makemigrations

How to test

python3 manage.py test api.tests.unit_tests

Enable Docker Buildkit on your machine

Some old versions of Docker may require setting enviroment variable DOCKER_BUILDKIT to 1.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose build