Data Structures and Algorithms Advanced Lab mini project 1

  • Tran Le Hoang - lehoangtran289
  • Tran Trung Hieu - hieutt99
  • Le Duc Dung - DukeLee99

Dictionary ver-2 stable GUI


Enhancing tabcomplete search by using strcmp

ex: comput and tab will result in computing


If gtk3+ stuff werent installed

sudo apt-get install libgtk3.0-dev

sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel

sudo apt-get install pkg-config

sudo apt-get install devhelp

sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-doc libgtk2.0-doc

sudo apt-get install glade libglade2-dev

sudo apt-get install glade

So how to compile?

1. Extract btree library and find 'libbt.a' in bt-5.0.0/lib

Replace libbt.a with your libbt.a

2. Create dictionary db from demo31.c

Note: This includes removing used databases


3. Run dictionary
