
An online marketplace for freelance services.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


WorKarr is a Pakistani online marketplace for freelance services founded by a team of 3 individuals at FAST-NUCES Lahore. This website provides a platform for freelancers to offer services to customers worldwide.
It was our Database Course project. Fortunately, we got full marks in the project and appreciation from our course lab instructor.


I have used HTML5, SCSS, JS/JQuery for the graphical user interface. C#, ASP.NET, JS/JQuery has been used for implementing backend functionalities. SQL/TSQL - for the database. Chart.JS - for displaying summary charts. Ajax - to avoid the headache of page refresh.


Saqib Ali — For guidance in improving the GUI part of the project with helpful feedback.
Shmoon Lodhi — For help in creating the database schema, applying constraints, populating data, and ER diagram in Erwin.
Umer Khatab — For creating website FAQ content.

Website Interface
