Getting started
Contributing in open source is one of the most important skills that a developer must have, since making code implies being able to collaborate with other people.
"Guestbook" is designed so that students have a space where they can put into practice everything learned in "Code the Dream", and at the same time, learn how to work in teams with other developers using Git and Github.
Don't worry if you make mistakes. This repository is created for just that, to learn from mistakes.
Your first contribution
- Create a copy of this repository in your Github account, using fork (the fork option is in the upper right corner of the repository, just below the navbar).
- Now, from the copy of the repository in your Github account, clone the repository on your computer.
- Create a new branch and name it "guestbook" (git checkout -b guestbook).
- Make all your changes in the "guestbook" branch.
What to do
- In index.html, right after the last closing div "content-container", create a div with class "content-container" and a custom id (your name, nick name or whatever you want).
- Inside your div, create:
- An H2 tag with your name.
- A p tag with a personalized message.
- An ul with lis, you can put hobbies or whatever you want.
- In style.css:
- Create your own rules to add styles to your div, or feel free to use rules that others have already created.
- Whenever possible, try to add styles to classes or ids, instead of adding styles directly to elements (h1, div, p, ul, etc ...).
Once your changes are ready, do the following in the terminal:
- git add .
- git commit -m "message with the changes made"
- git push origin guestbook
*Now, go to your copy of the "guestbook" repository on Github, go to the "guestbook" branch of it, and do pull request. Write a message with a detailed description of the changes you have made. Ex: "I added my name, my personal message and my hobbies".
That is all for now.
This course can help you have a better understanding of how to use Git and Github.
Create issues on the link below on the parent repo if you are stuck, have any questions.
Feel totally free to suggest improvements and changes.