
A helper package for laravel projects

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Via Composer

$ composer require hifisaputra/laravel-helpers


// Image helpers
$image = Helpers::image($request->imagefile)

 * Change directory path using laravel's helper functions
 * Parameters:
 * (string) - default (public_path())

 * Change the folder path
 * Parameters:
 * (string) - default ('images')

 * Add encoding
 * Parameters:
 * (string) Here's a list of encoding format
 * supported by [Intervention Image](http://image.intervention.io)
 *  jpg — return JPEG encoded image data
 *  png — return Portable Network Graphics (PNG) encoded image data
 *  gif — return Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) encoded image data
 *  tif — return Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) encoded image data
 *  bmp — return Bitmap (BMP) encoded image data
 *  ico — return ICO encoded image data
 *  psd — return Photoshop Document (PSD) encoded image data
 *  webp — return WebP encoded image data
 *  data-url — encode current image data in data URI scheme (RFC 2397)
 * (integer) Define the quality of the encoded image optionally.
 * Data ranging from 0 (poor quality, small file) to 100 (best quality, big file).
$image->encode('jpg', 95)

 * Add prefix to filename
 * Parameters:
 * (string)

 * Save the image
 * Return the image's name

dd($image) // '/images/profile/user-5a9d24bb389ae.jpg'

 * Save the image with thumbnail
 * Return an array of the image's name and the thumbnail's name

 * [
 *	'originalName' : '/images/profile/user-5a9d24bb389ae.jpg',
 *  'thumbnailName' : '/images/profile/user-5a9d24bb389ae_tn.jpg'
 * ]

// Delete helpers
* Delete file from the given path
* @param $path can be array of strings or just a string.

//Config writer
 * Write laravel config file 
 * credit: https://github.com/daftspunk/laravel-config-writer
 * @param array
Helpers::config()->write(['app.locale' => 'en']);


public function store(Request $request)
  $blog = new Blog();
  $blog->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
  if ($request->image) {

    $image = Helpers::image($request->image)->folder('images/blogs')->encode('jpg', 80)->saveWithThumbnail();
	  // the image files will be saved inside public/images/blogs
    $blog->originalUrl = $image['originalName'];
    $blog->previewUrl = $image['thumbnailName'];




The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.