
显示鼠标在屏幕中的位置.Display the coordinates of the mouse on the screen

Primary LanguageC#


显示鼠标在屏幕中的位置.Display the coordinates of the mouse on the screen


v1.01 增加了计算鼠标位置差值功能 Added the function of calculating the mouse position difference.

v1.00 init project

使用说明/how to us

运行MouseXY.exe后,"模式一"可以实时显示鼠标在屏幕上的坐标,并拖拽改变窗口尺寸和位置. running MouseXY.exe, "mode1" the coordinates of the mouse on the screen can be displayed in real time.And drag to change the window size and position.


"模式二"鼠标单击窗口可以隐藏菜单栏,锁定并置顶窗口. "mode2" Click the window to hide the menu bar and lock and put the window on top.


再次点击窗口进入"模式三",当点击其他位置时会记录鼠标位置为原点,并实时显示鼠标到原点的坐标差 Click the window again to enter "Mode 3",When clicking other positions, the mouse position will be recorded as the origin,And display the coordinate difference from the mouse to the origin in real time.


再次点击窗口解除窗口锁定返回"模式一" Click the window again to unlock the window and return to "Mode 1".