
A memcached client library for Erlang.

Primary LanguageErlang

What is this?

A memcached client library for Erlang. All memcached commannds (including cas) are supported.

Building and Installing

  1. Install a recent version of Erlang.
  2. Download memcached-client-0.0.1.tar.gz.
  3. make
  4. make check (memcached required)
  5. make install


  • connect/2, disconnect/1
  • functions: store/restore Erlang term
    • set/3, set/5
    • get/2, gets/2
    • get_multi/2, gets_multi/2
    • replace/3, replace/5
    • add/3, add/5
    • cas/6
  • functions: store/replace binary data
    • setb/3, setb/5
    • getb/2, getsb/2
    • get_multib/2, gets_multib/2
    • replaceb/3, replaceb/5
    • addb/3, addb/5
    • append/3, prepend/3
    • casb/6
  • incr/3, decr/3
  • delete/2
  • stats/1
  • flush_all/1, flush_all/2
  • version/1
  • quit/1

How to use

1> {ok, Conn} = memcached:connect("", 11211).
2> ok = memcached:set(Conn, "Hello", "World").
3> ok = memcached:set(Conn, "Say", "Goodbye").
4> {ok, [{"Hello", "World"}, {"Say", "Goodbye"}]} = memcached:get_multi(Conn, ["Hello", "Say"]).
5> ok = memcached:delete(Conn, "Say").
6> {error, not_found} = memcached:get(Conn, "Say").
7> ok = memcached:setb(Conn, "mydata", <<10:64/little>>).
8> memcached:getb(Conn, "mydata").
9> ok = memcached:disconnect(Conn).

See more examples on memcached_SUITE.erl.


  • Mulitple servers with user defined Fun.
  • documentation

How To Contribute

If you would like to contribute, first check out the source. Then modify the markdown files with your improvements, commit them and either send me a patch, or push the changes into a fork of the repo and send me a pull request.
