is a MATLAB function that computes the matrix unwinding function of
a square matrix A.
Other program files are
: runs some simple tests for theunwindm
computes the scalar unwinding number.
U = unwindm(A)
compute the matrix unwinding function U
of the
n-by-n matrix A
The code was developed in MATLAB R2020b and works with versions back to at least R2017a.
- Mary Aprahamian and Nicholas J. Higham, The Matrix Unwinding Function, with an Application to Computing the Matrix Exponential, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 35(1), 88–109, 2014.
- Nicholas J. Higham, Making Sense of Multivalued Matrix Functions with the Matrix Unwinding Function, 2014.
See license.txt
for licensing information.