
Docker container which runs a Barotrauma dedicated server using SteamCMD

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Barotrauma Dedicated Server (Docker)


Docker container which runs a Barotrauma dedicated server using SteamCMD. The server uses the default ports (27015/udp & 27016/udp) and is exposed as public by default.

How to run

Just run the command...

  docker run \
    --env BAR_PASSWORD=changeme! \
    --env BAR_NAME=ServerNameHere \
    --env BAR_SERVERMESSAGE="Put ServerMessage here." \
InGameUsername2:SteamId2:Perm2.1\; \
    -p 27015:27015/udp \
    -p 27016:27016/udp \
    -v submarines:/home/steam/barotrauma-dedicated/Submarines/github \
    -v saves:"/home/steam/.local/share/Daedalic Entertainment GmbH/Barotrauma/Multiplayer" \
    --name barotrauma-server \

Change the environment variables for password and server name to customize your server.


The following server settings are available to be overridden using environment variables.

ENV_VAR name Server Setting Default Value
BAR_PASSWORD Password "changeme!"
BAR_NAME name "UnnamedServer"
BAR_START_WHEN_CLIENTS_READY startwhenclientsready "True"
BAR_START_WHEN_CLIENTS_READY_RATIO startwhenclientsreadyratio "1.0"

For information on other available options, see the Barotrauma Wiki. If you consider any missing setting to be widely useful, please raise an issue or pull request to have it added.


Server permissions are configured using the BAR_PERMISSIONS environment variable. The variable is processed by the entry.sh script on container start and produces a clientpermissions.xml file. The format of the variable value is as follows:

<client_permissions> ::= <client_permission> 
                        | <client_permission> <client_permissions>
<client_permission> ::= <name> ":" <steam-id> ":" <permissions> ";" 
                        | <name> ":" <steam-id> ":" <permissions> ":" <commands> ";"

<permissions> ::= <psermission> | <permission> "," <permissions>
<permission> ::= see https://barotraumagame.com/wiki/Permissions

<commands> ::= <command> | <command> "," <commands>
<command> ::= see https://barotraumagame.com/wiki/Console_Commands
Show example

The following environment variable:


Would generate:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Client name="InGameUsername1" steamid="SteamId1" permissions="Perm1,Perm2">
        <command name="Command1"/>
        <command name="Command2"/>
    <Client name="InGameUsername2" steamid="SteamId2" permissions="Perm2.1">
    <Client name="InGameUsername3" steamid="Steam64Id3" permissions="Perm3.1">
        <command name="Command3.1"/>
        <command name="Command3.2"/>
        <command name="Command3.3"/>

Be careful to escape the ; separator characters correctly and avoid any white-space characters if defining the variable contents over multiple lines in a script.

For more information on this configuration see the Barotrauma Wiki pages.


Mount a volume when running the container to include additional custom submarines. For example

-v submarines:/home/steam/barotrauma-dedicated/Submarines/github

mounts the volume submarines on the host into the Barotrauma Submarine directory into a subdirectory called github.

Multiplayer Saves

Mount a volume when running the container to persist multiplayer saves between container starts. For example

-v saves:"/home/steam/.local/share/Daedalic Entertainment GmbH/Barotrauma/Multiplayer"

mounts the volume saves on the host into the Barotrauma Multiplayer directory where saves are created. These save files can then be accessed on the host or mounted between container restarts.