
Miscellaneous config files, etc

Primary LanguageNix


Miscellaneous config files, etc that I manage using chezmoi.


  • add something similar to my .bhell scripts here that will manage installing any necessary packages using some cobbled together scripts that use waves hands around a package manager (Nix, brew, etc.)
  • determine a good way to sync the .config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml file, as well
  • manage application color schemes in some sane way
  • use some fancy templates and secrets manager stuff
  • add other useful scripts powered by some useful shared libraries like https://gitlab.com/bertrand-benoit/scripts-common/-/blob/master/utilities.sh?ref_type=heads

Home Directory Structure

This repository contains a partial layout of my home directory, which is managed and synced across Linux systems using Chezmoi. Each directory with an organizational scheme typically has a README.md file for reference.

Directory Structure

  • Applications/

    • Directory for storing flatpak and AppImage files. Managed outside of Chezmoi.
    • TODO: Consider implementing an idempotent tool for flatpak management and installation.
  • bin/

    • Directory for storing single binary tools and personal scripts. Scripts are synced by Chezmoi, while binaries are often directly downloaded.
    • TODO: Consider implementing an idempotent tool for binary management (aside from asdf). Could be nix?
  • Desktop/

    • Generally empty, as I do not frequently access my desktop.
  • Documents/

    • Various document artifacts, sorted into PARA subdirectories for ease of organization.
  • Downloads/

    • Temporary landing area for downloaded files.
  • Music/

    • Storage for MP3s and other music files. Largely unnecessary due to streaming services like Spotify or Synology.
  • Pictures/

    • Various pictures, sorted into relevant categories. Image data related to PARA projects should be stored under Documents.
  • Public/

    • Directory for shared files.
  • src/

    • Directory for storing various source code repositories, organized by the organization that "owns" the source.
  • Templates/

    • GNOME (Nautilus) file templates, accessible via the file browser's right-click menu. Potentially useful, but may not be frequently utilized.
    • This is apparently an XDG standard.
  • Videos/

    • Directory for storing video content. Video data related to PARA projects should be stored under Documents.
  • Dotfiles (hidden files)

    • Collection of dotfiles, managed and synced by Chezmoi. Only a subset of dotfiles that I care about are actively managed.


This directory structure and file management helps maintain organization and consistency across my Linux systems. Each directory serves a specific purpose, facilitating efficient file management and access.


If you have suggestions for improving this directory structure or tools for management, feel free to open an issue or pull request.