Angular Starter Kit is a boilerplate project to build web applications with Angular. This include:
- Browserify support
- Gulp for automatization
- Babel for all the application
- Angular
- UI-router
git clone newApp
cd newApp
npm install
gulp build
This task is for build the assets for development, that means no minify (JS,CSS or HTML) but transforms all html/partials to and angular $templateCache with ngHTML2JS.
gulp serve
Open a server in port 8000 for development with livereload
gulp dist
Run test suit
gulp test
Run test suit with watch and reload test every change on source files
gulp tdd
Create a folder dist, with de minify version of the files. This files are ready for production environments.
gulp serve:dist
A local server to serve the files on dist folder.
You have to install protractor
npm install -g protractor
webdriver-manager update
And then to run the test start a selenium webdriver server
webdriver-manager start
Later start the server
gulp serve
Last run the test
gulp 2e2