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React Valida Hook

Custom hook to create validable forms using valida-js for validation

For validation rules see valida-js docs

NOTE: Is important to know, valida-js don't return error message, only the and array of error types. Maybe will need to add a proper translation for those messages. That was made on porpuse in order to move translation to other place and not inside the validation library.

How to install

yarn add react-valida-hook
# or
npm install react-valida-hook
 * useValitedForm Hook
 * @param {Object} initialData
 * @param {Array} validation rules
 * @param {Object} valida-js validators. default: valida-js default validators
 * */

How to use it

Live example here

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import useValitedForm from 'react-valida-hook'

const initialState = {
  firstName: '',
  lastName: '',
  email: ''

const validations = [
    name: 'firstName',
    type: 'required',
    stateMap: 'firstName'
    name: 'lastName',
    type: 'required',
    stateMap: 'lastName'
    name: 'email',
    type: 'required',
    stateMap: 'email'
    name: 'email',
    type: 'isEmail',
    stateMap: 'email'

function UserForm () {
  const [formData, validation, validateForm, getData] = useValitedForm(initialState, validations)
  const submit = (event) => {
    const valid = validateForm()
  return (
    <form noValidate={true} onSubmit={submit}>
        <label htmlFor='first-name'>First name:</label>
        <input name='first-name' id='first-name' { ...formData.firstName.input } />
        <div className='errors'>
          { validation.errors.firstName.join(', ')}
        <label htmlFor='last-name'>Last name:</label>
        <input name='last-name' id='last-name' { ...formData.lastName.input } />
        <div className='errors'>
          { validation.errors.lastName.join(', ')}
        <label htmlFor='email'>Email:</label>
        <input name='email' id='email' { } />
        <div className='errors'>
          {', ')}
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

    <UserForm />

How do develop a feature development

How to run the project

# Install all the dependencies of the project with npm or yarn
yarn # or npm install

# Run the development server with
yarn dev # or npm run dev

How to run test

yarn test # or yarn test --watch

How to build the project

yarn build # npm run build