RTM Client UE4 SDK




  • Copy all the content in Plugins folder to Plugins folder in your project.

  • Add the content below to [YourModule].Build.cs file.

    bEnableExceptions = true;
    bEnableUndefinedIdentifierWarnings = false;
    PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "FPNN", "RTM" });


#include "RTMControlCenter.h"


#include "RTMClient.h"
#include "RTMQuestProcessor.h"
RTMClientPtr client = RTMClient::CreateRTMClient(int64_t pid, int64_t uid, const string& endpoint, RTMQuestProcessorPtr rtmQuestProcessor, bool autoRelogin = true);

Please get your project params from RTM Console.

RTMClient Instance Configure

Configure Properties:

int32_t RTMConfig::globalConnectTimeoutSeconds;
int32_t RTMConfig::globalQuestTimeoutSeconds;


//-- Async interfaces
bool Login(AuthCallback callback, const string& token, const map<string, string>& attrs = map<string, string>(), const string& language = "", int32_t timeout = 0);

//-- Sync interfaces
int32_t Login(bool& ok, const string& token, const map<string, string>& attrs = map<string, string>(), const string& language = "", int32_t timeout = 0);

Send messages

  • Send P2P Message

      //-- Async interface
      bool SendMessage(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t uid, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
      //-- Sync interface
      int32_t SendMessage(int64_t& messageID, int64_t uid, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
  • Send Group Message

      //-- Async interface
      bool SendGroupMessage(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t groupID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
      //-- Sync interface
      int32_t SendGroupMessage(int64_t& messageID, int64_t groupID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
  • Send Room Message

      //-- Async interface
      bool SendRoomMessage(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t roomID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
      //-- Sync interface
      int32_t SendRoomMessage(int64_t& messageID, int64_t roomID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);

Send chat

  • Send P2P Chat

      //-- Async interface
      bool SendChat(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t uid, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
      //-- Sync interface
      int32_t SendChat(int64_t& messageID, int64_t uid, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
  • Send Group Chat

      //-- Async interface
      bool SendGroupChat(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t groupID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0);
      //-- Sync interface
      int32_t SendGroupChat(int64_t& messageID, int64_t groupID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0);
  • Send Room Chat

      //-- Async interface
      bool SendRoomChat(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t roomID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0);
      //-- Sync interface
      int32_t SendRoomChat(int64_t& messageID, int64_t roomID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0);

SDK Version


API docs

Please refer: API docs

Directory structure

  • <rtm-client-sdk-unreal>/Plugins/fpnn

    Codes and libraries of FPNN SDK.

  • <rtm-client-sdk-unreal>/Plugins/rtm

    Codes of RTM SDK.

  • <rtm-client-sdk-unreal>/RTMExample

    Examples codes for using RTM SDK.

    • NewActorComponent.h/cpp:

      Entery of all examples.

    • RTMTest.h:

      RTMTest base class for all examples. RTMTestQuestProcessor for all examples.

  • <rtm-client-sdk-unreal>/doc

    API documents in markdown format.