Copy all the content in
folder toPlugins
folder in your project. -
Add the content below to [YourModule].Build.cs file.
bEnableExceptions = true;
bEnableUndefinedIdentifierWarnings = false;
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "FPNN", "RTM" });
#include "RTMControlCenter.h"
#include "RTMClient.h"
#include "RTMQuestProcessor.h"
RTMClientPtr client = RTMClient::CreateRTMClient(int64_t pid, int64_t uid, const string& endpoint, RTMQuestProcessorPtr rtmQuestProcessor, bool autoRelogin = true);
Please get your project params from RTM Console.
int32_t RTMConfig::globalConnectTimeoutSeconds;
int32_t RTMConfig::globalQuestTimeoutSeconds;
//-- Async interfaces
bool Login(AuthCallback callback, const string& token, const map<string, string>& attrs = map<string, string>(), const string& language = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
//-- Sync interfaces
int32_t Login(bool& ok, const string& token, const map<string, string>& attrs = map<string, string>(), const string& language = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
Send P2P Message
//-- Async interface bool SendMessage(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t uid, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0); //-- Sync interface int32_t SendMessage(int64_t& messageID, int64_t uid, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
Send Group Message
//-- Async interface bool SendGroupMessage(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t groupID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0); //-- Sync interface int32_t SendGroupMessage(int64_t& messageID, int64_t groupID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
Send Room Message
//-- Async interface bool SendRoomMessage(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t roomID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0); //-- Sync interface int32_t SendRoomMessage(int64_t& messageID, int64_t roomID, int8_t messageType, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
Send P2P Chat
//-- Async interface bool SendChat(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t uid, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0); //-- Sync interface int32_t SendChat(int64_t& messageID, int64_t uid, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int32_t timeout = 0);
Send Group Chat
//-- Async interface bool SendGroupChat(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t groupID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0); //-- Sync interface int32_t SendGroupChat(int64_t& messageID, int64_t groupID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0);
Send Room Chat
//-- Async interface bool SendRoomChat(MessageIDCallback callback, int64_t roomID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0); //-- Sync interface int32_t SendRoomChat(int64_t& messageID, int64_t roomID, const string& message, const string& attrs = "", int timeout = 0);
Please refer: API docs
Codes and libraries of FPNN SDK.
Codes of RTM SDK.
Examples codes for using RTM SDK.
Entery of all examples.
RTMTest base class for all examples. RTMTestQuestProcessor for all examples.
API documents in markdown format.