
Starting point for doing a coding kata, using node.js and jasmine-node

Primary LanguageBatchfileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Starting point for doing a code kata, using node.js and jasmine-node which is a 'port' of the jasmine behavior driven development framework for testing javascript code.

What's in it?

This directory contains the following:

  • README.md, you're currently reading it.

  • bootstrap.bat, a wrapper around bootstrap.ps1 for those how run PowerShell with the Restricted or AllSigned, ExecutionPolicy.

  • bootstrap.ps1

    • installs chocolatey if not already installed
    • installs nodejs.install chocolatey package
    • installs node package jasmine-node plus it's dependencies
    • installs jshint plus it's dependencies
    • installs node-inspector plus it's dependencies

    Note that this script needs an internet connection to function.

  • check.bat a script that invokes jshint on the current directory.

  • check.ps1 a script that can take advantage of the pswatch module, such that jshint can be run whenever a javascript file changes on the filesystem.

  • debug.bat a scripts that starts a debugging session using node-inspector, you have to supply the name of the spec you wish to debug. Be sure to add a debugger; statement to your spec where you want to break.

  • example.js, example javascript file containing your production code.

  • example.spec.js, example javascript file containing a single specification.

  • LICENSE, a copy of the license that applies to this repository, which is the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.

  • run.bat, run and watch the specs. Watch the specs means that the filesystem will be watched for modifications to .js files and as soon as changes are detected the specs will be run.


Install node package manager

sudo apt-get install npm

Set global registry for npm

npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/

Install packages using npm

Install packages globally

sudo npm install jasmine-node -g
sudo npm install jshint -g
sudo npm install node-inspector -g

Install packages as a user

This will install the packages in <some dir>/node_modules
cd <some dir>
npm install jasmine-node
npm install jshint
npm install node-inspector

export PATH=`pwd`/.bin:$PATH

Links with quick references and tutorials