
PIConGPU input templater

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PIConGPU input templater (PoGit)

Utility to generate the PIConGPU input files using a Pythonic API, simillar as used in the python-based codes (e.g. WARP, FBPIC, CHIMERA/CHIMERA.CL).

This is an early development and its purpose is to search a robust strategy for PIConGPU templating. In future may merge with PICMI project.

Currently the following basic functionality is covered:

  • grid-solver class defines and adjusts the simulation domain, solver scheme and parameters, handles the simulation run
  • mupltiple definitions and creation of species of basic (electron, proton) and generic (ion) sorts
  • support for native PIConGPU and current-driven antenna laser implementations
  • generic interface for plugins (in particular hdf5 openPMD)
  • tools for convenient run of simulation series


PoGit is based on template manager Mako, but also uses mendeleev, and the standard scientific python tools (scipy and numpy)


Clone and install with dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/hightower8083/PoGit.git
cd PoGit
python setup.py install


To get an idea of how it works -- clone a PIConGPU example, remove param files, execute a PoGit script:

pic-create $PIC_EXAMPLES/LaserWakefield pogit-test-run
cd pogit-test-run
rm -r include/picongpu/param/* .build/
python example_lwfa.py

Script will generate input files at ./include/picongpu/param and launcher configuration ./etc/picongpu/run.cfg Here is simplest input for a case of laser plasma acceleration of electrons:

from pogit.laser import Laser
from pogit.grid import GridSolver
from pogit.particle import Particle
from pogit.plugins import Plugin
from pogit.writer import WriteSimulationFiles

# Sizes of the simulation box and grid
xmax, ymax, zmax = 25e-6, 35e-6, 25e-6
Nx, Ny, Nz = 128, 1024, 128
mpi_decomposition = (1, 2, 1)

# Total number of simulations steps
Nsteps = 6000

# Number of steps between diagnostics
N_diag = 2000

## Laser
ctau = 4e-6                 # Laser duration in meters
a0 = 3.0                    # Laser normalized amplitude
waist = 5.0e-6              # Laser waist in meters
cdelay = 3 * ctau           # Delay of laser centroid in meters

## Plasma
n_e = 8e18 * 1e6
initial_positions = ('Random', 2)
density_profile = { 'name': 'Gaussian', 'vacuumCellsY': 100,
         'gasFactor': -1.0, 'gasPower': 4.0,
         'gasCenterLeft': 40e-6, 'gasCenterRight': 60e-6,
         'gasSigmaLeft': 20e-6, 'gasSigmaRight': 80e-6 }

## Construct simulation
gridSolver = GridSolver( xmax, ymax, zmax, Nx, Ny, Nz, Nsteps,
                         mpi_decomposition, movingWindow=True)

laser = Laser( a0=a0, ctau=ctau, waist=waist, cdelay=cdelay )

eons = Particle( name='Electrons', species='electron',
                 base_density=n_e, typicalNppc=initial_positions[1],
                 density_profile=density_profile )

diags = Plugin( period=N_diag )

WriteSimulationFiles( (eons, gridSolver, laser, diags) )

This and more detailed examples, including a simulations scan, can be found in this repository.

More information on the main classes and default parameters can be found in their documentation. In order to just read it type something like:

python -c "from pogit.grid import GridSolver as _; help(_)"
python -c "from pogit.particle import Particle as _; help(_)"


Everybody interested is greatly welcome to contribute, by extending codelet library (manipulators, filters, plugins) or finding bug and ambiguities.