
Template for common Rails tools and configuration

Primary LanguageRuby


Forge is a Rails application template that installs common tools and performs common configurations to avoid repetition


  • Rails (gem install rails)


This has been tested with the newest Rails version at the time of writing, which is 7.1.3


New applications

Recommended previous step (RVM)

Use RVM or a similar Ruby version manager and isolate this app to its own gemset. With RVM, you can do this by adding .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files in a new folder. If you do this, instead of calling rails new YOUR_APP_NAME, you can use rails new . in the command below.

# -d postgresql uses PostgreSQL instead of SQLite. It will be configured as expected.
# -T skips tests, since we will include RSpec.
rails new YOUR_APP_NAME -d postgresql -T -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/higo-app/forge/main/lib/template.rb

Existing applications

# In your app's root folder
bin/rails app:template LOCATION=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/higo-app/forge/main/lib/template.rb

Applying only specific features

# In your app's root folder, for example if we only want to add Redis config
bin/rails app:template LOCATION=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/higo-app/forge/main/lib/settings/redis.rb


App features (dependencies, configuration)

  • pg: Connects to a Postgres database. Configures a minimalistic config/database.yml and, optionally, configures UUID primary keys.
  • redis: Adds dependency and a single config/redis/shared.yml configuration, to be used by ActionCable, Kredis, Sidekiq, etc.
  • sidekiq: Background jobs
  • strong_migrations: Catches unsafe DB migrations
  • sentry-ruby: Error reporting. Adds and configures dependency. Also includes sentry-rails and sentry-sidekiq.
  • analytics-ruby: Segment analytics (customer data platform). Adds and configures dependency.
  • devise (Optional): Adds dependency, runs initializer, changes a couple of configurations, adds translations and optionally adds flashes to the application layout and a static page as a root path.
  • tailwindcss-rails (Optional): Adds dependency and runs initializer
  • Add Procfile (web, worker and release processes) and Procfile.dev (web and worker processes, although tailwind may also add a css process). Also includes bin/dev which runs Procfile.dev with foreman
  • Add staging environment (copy from production)
  • Compress (gzip) responses with Rack::Deflater in production and staging.
  • Changes default from (i.e. sender) in ApplicationMailer
  • Allows adding I18n available and default locales (from svenfuchs/rails-i18n)
  • Allows configuring hosts / default URL options for all environments
  • Populates README.md

Test, CI features

  • brakeman: Find security vulnerabilities in your app (added to GH workflow)
  • bundler-audit: Find vulnerable dependencies (added to GH workflow)
  • rubycritic: Enforce a good quality codebase (added to GH workflow)
  • factory_bot_rails: Simplifies record building/creating in tests
  • rspec-sidekiq: For Sidekiq testing.
  • shoulda-matchers: Simplifies common tests
  • rspec-rails: For tests. Includes, initializes the dependency (without AR fixtures, with transactional fixtures). Integrates with factory_bot_rails, rspec-sidekiq and shoulda-matchers
  • rubocop-rails: Adds and configures this dependency, along with extensions rubocop-performance, rubocop-rspec, rubocop-factory_bot
  • Github:
    • Add Dependabot configuration: .github/dependabot.yml configures weekly updates, groups development dependencies (i.e. the ones in development and test groups) and sentry gems
    • Add PR template
    • Workflows:
      • test: Runs test suite with rspec
      • code_analysis: Runs bundle-audit, rubocop, brakeman, rubycritic