
A docker repository for deploying pwnable challenges in CTF

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A docker repository for deploying CTF challenges


Put files to floder bin. They'll be copied to /home/ctf. Update the flag at the same time.

Edit ctf.xinetd. replace ./helloworld to your command.

You can also edit Dockerfile, ctf.xinetd, start.sh to custom your environment.


docker build -t "helloworld" .

DO NOT use bin as challenge's name


docker run -d -p "" -h "helloworld" --name="helloworld" helloworld

pub_port is the port you want to expose to the public network.

Capture traffic

If you want to capture challenge traffic, just run tcpdump on the host. Here is an example.

tcpdump -w helloworld.pcap -i eth0 port pub_port