
Search number code in ShellCheck Wiki

Primary LanguagePython


Fast search for the code number on the ShellCheck Wiki pages. 🔦

ShellCheck is a tool that provides warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts, as a way to search Wiki pages quickly, I wrote this program to make debugging more agile and efficient.

Note, there are two checkSC.py:

checkSC_net.py, this will perform a search on the ShellCheck Wiki website.

checkSC_gist.py, this will perform a search on the GitHub Gist Wiki website.


git clone https://github.com/hihackthis/checkSC.git
cd checkSC
pip install -r requeriments.txt
python checkSC.py

After that, you can be your search for the code number. Remember, you must add 'SC' first and numbers after. For example: SC1000

Let's see how easy is!

Run checkSC.py:

So enter your code number SC:

The default browser opens a new window with the code number:

To search again close the browser and hit 'Y' or 'y' and enter your code number:

If the code number doesn't exist, the checkSC will warn you. Finally, to exit the program press ENTER.

Final words

Have fun! 😎